Something's Better Than Nothing

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    I found the rest of the league. They saw my face and immediately knew what I was about to say.

    " I'm leaving for a bit. I need a major break. I may return but then again I may not. I just need to figure things out. I have most of your numbers so I'll stay in touch."

    " Have fun Taka. You may want to change your look before leaving though. You know since the fight was broadcast all over Japan."

    " Yeah you became the most wanted villain in a half an hour." Toga said, skipping around me.

     I looked in a cracked window that was nearby. I really should change my look. I hate doing that though. What if I go back to my original hair color to save money and just use some makeup to get rid of the freckles and use contacts to keep the eye color changed. I could also style my hair different.

    " If you're dead set on leaving I guess we could help you change your look." Shigiraki sounded upset that I was leaving. I felt a little guilty but I need to do this. I need to focus on something else.

    " I could pack some things for you to take with you." Compress offered.

    " I can cut your hair. Shut up." That's nice but terrifying.

    " I could run to a store and get some more makeup." Toga offered.

    " Thank you all but I'd rather not drag any of you further into my mess than need be. I was going to go salvage what I could from the base and then disappear. All I need for that is an easy way in." Everyone looked at Kurogiri.

    " I'm not a taxi but whatever." Poor Giri.

    " It's just one way. I promise. I guess this is goodbye for now. I don't know when I'll be back." Dabi came over and hugged me. Toga joined. Eventually it became one big pile of villains hugging me. It made me want to cry but I won't cry. Not in front of them.


    So he's leaving. He's leaving the league. He's not coming back either. This time Deku is going to disappear.

    I'm walked off back to the police so they won't notice my disappearance. I got the information I needed. There's still a chance. A small one but a chance.

Time gods please?

    It's been a while since that day. I haven't heard anything about him or from him. It's like he dropped off of the face of the planet.

    "Bakugou pay attention. Now as I was saying. You will be getting your provisional licenses but first you need to make at least two supermoves." Huh ok. That'll be easy. Big boom.


    The place sure has been quite since the kid left. Nobody wants to do anything. He was sort of a rock for all of us. Now that he's gone it's hard to motivate anyone. Even stuffed crust has been lounging around doing nothing.

    My phone began to bus. Weird. No one contacts me. Only the people in this room have my number and none of them have moved a muscle in the last hour and a half.

    " Hello. You're speaking to the crematorium. Who died and when can I bake em?"

    " Well I did kill a pervert a few days ago. Got purple everywhere.."

    " Taka!" Everyone suddenly jumped up.

    " Someone's happy. I didn't see any news about Endeavor dying recently."

    " Fuck that guy. How've you been kid? Found a reason to be happy yet?"

    " Actually I have been enjoying myself. I have no limits. Met up with Uncle Stainy last week." I'm glad he's enjoying himself. He deserves it after everything he's been through.

    " That's great kid."

    " So I haven't seen or heard anything about the league. Did you all split or something?"

    " Actually we're all here. Hey everyone say hi to Taka." A chorus of different ways to say hello. " See we're all here. Just been laying low since the whole fiasco. Don't want to get caught you know. That would be bad."

    " I get it, I get it. Hey I'm coming back to town for a bit. I heard a voice in the wind mention something interesting. Mind if I crash at the base for a bit?"

    " Why'd you even ask? We'd love to see you again. The doors always open for you." Everyone looked excited. Taka is coming back. Not for long but we get to see him again. That's something and something's better than nothing right?

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