Let it Out

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     At school I didn't talk to anyone. I chose instead to space out and ignore everything. Aizawa didn't care. The only one that really seemed to mind was Cementos.

    During lunch several people tried to talk to me but I waved them off. Focusing only on my food kept the anger and tears back. I don't know what felt worse. Thinking he was dead or figuring out that he was a villain?

     Eventually I didn't have to be the one to keep people away because Kirishima would shake his head. He knew what was bothering me.

     During All Might's class he gave me a choice to participate or sit out. I chose to sit out because with how I'm feeling right now I wouldn't be able to focus. This shocked everyone because we were doing hand to hand combat.

    " What happened to him? Was he that attached to Takahashi?"

    " I didn't think they were that close."

    Earlier today Aizawa made an announcement to the class. He told them that Takahashi would no longer be attending UA because of some recent events. He didn't tell them that Takahashi was training with Stain or that he was actually a villain.

    " Guys just leave him alone. Didn't you hear the the case to find his friend was closed?" Kirishima turned the subject off of Takahashi to the subject of the person behind the mask.

    " They weren't friends Kirishima. Didn't you know he bullied the boy."

    " They were friends Todoroki. At least to Bakugou anyways."

    " Shut up." I whispered but no one heard me.

    " What do you know of Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.

    " Quite a bit actually."

    " SHUT UP." I yelled. Everyone turned to me. " I-I can't do this." I left the room full of shocked people. Damnit why am I crying at school? Now people will think I am too weak to do anything.

Back in the room

    " He can't do what?" Kaminari asked.

    " Obviously he didn't want people to talk about whoever Midoriya was." Yaoyorozu explained.

    " Aren't we supposed to be doing something?" Uraraka asked. Everyone stopped to think for a minute then looked at the screen in front of them. They saw Tokoyami and Iida fighting.

    " Oh yeah. Fight study." Sero piped up. And so the conversation ends. Everyone was so focused on the odd match up that they didn't se someone leave the room.

Back in the bathroom where our sad bean went

    I can't just leave the school. They would contact mom and then I'd have to talk to her. I don't want to talk to her. I need to talk to someone though. If I don't this is going to kill me. Who can I talk to?

    The leader dude seemed nice when I was listening to the fight but he's too closely related to Izuku. I'd talk to All Might but he himself doesn't even know that Izuku is a villain. If he did he would go catch him because that's what a hero is supposed to do. I definitely ain't talking to icyhot. I don't know how to feel about Kirishima right now. How could he keep something this big away from me?

    " Bakugou are you in there?" What's he doing here? " Listen if you don't want to talk that's fine. Just let me sit with you for a while. Keeping your feelings to yourself won't help you. It will only hurt you." I opened the door and let him in. " Thank you."

    The idiot sat beside me. He didn't mention my tear stained face nor did he mention how my breath was shakey. He just stayed silent and sat with me. He could get in trouble for leaving class like this.

     " I found him." Shit why did I say that? Why is my mouth moving without my brain approving the words. " I found him but it wasn't him. It was someone else."

     " Given what the news released about him I figured he would be different from what his friends and family knew him as." How would he figure that out? He's an idiot.

    " He jumped because of my actions. Icyhot was right. I was a bully to him, but only because I was trying to keep him away from people worse than me." I felt a hand on my back. Why is he comforting me. I'm a jerk to him too. " He wanted to be a hero you know. A quirkless boy wanted to be a hero."

    " That would be something else. Wouldn't it?"

    " The thing is I doubted him. I was stupid enough to think it would never happen so I did everything I could to try and keep him from trying. I did the only thing I know how to do. I bullied him. Told him he couldn't do it. Then one day I did the worse thing I could have. I told him that if he wanted a quirk he should just pray for one in the next life and jump off of the roof. And he did."

    " I'm sure you're not the only one that pushed him to the limit."

    " No there were others bullying him but they were following my lead. Then there's All Might. He was the straw that broke the camel's back. You saw the note in the news. Those were the words he said to Izuku before he jumped."

    " But he's alive right? He survived. You said you found him. Maybe you could apologise for all of the wrong you've done and start over. Try and be friends again."

     " I did apologise but that's not enough. I did too much to hurt him. So much so that he turned into a villain." The rubbing on my back paused for a second when I said that.

    " I'm sorry."

    " It's not your fault dunce face. It's mine. He wants to get revenge on me and All Might. Turning into a villain was revenge on me alone. All Might doesn't know. I didn't tell him. I couldn't. I can't. Only two others know and they haven't said a word either."

    " Who else knows?"

    " Shitty hair and icyhot. Shitty hair knew before me and icyhot found out yesterday too. Actually it was because of him pushing Izuku to reveal himself that I found out. I was listening in."

    " And they haven't said a word because?"

    " Because he's always listening in. Heck telling you this is risky enough but he won't come after me. Not yet. He's wants to toy with me. Torture me. Let me know just how much I hurt him." The tears came back. I'm crying in front of this idiot.

    " Let it out. It's not healthy to keep it bottled up." The idiot pulled me into a hug but I am too tired to care. I'm too tired to fight.

Back in the room

    " Ok next up is Kaminari and Tsuyu." Tsuyu moved to leave the room but no one saw Kaminari. " Where is he?"

    " Did anyone see him leave?" Kirishima asked.

    " Come to think of it I haven't heard him for a while. Do you think he..." Sero was cut off.

    " Not even he is stupid enough to go after Bakugou when he's upset. That's like going up to death and paying him to kill you." Mina said

    " Maybe he just went to the bathroom. He did have a pretty big drink with lunch. I'll go check." Kirishima left the room. He knew that Mina was wrong but didn't want them disturbed. If he's not back by now that means Bakugou accepted the help. Either that or he's dead.

     He got to the bathroom and held his ear to the door. He heard the faint sound of Bakugou crying and Kaminari saying comforting words. Not only was this weird but it was also sweet. At least he's not dead.

    " What are you doing?" Aizawa had noticed his student listening to a bathroom and found it strange.

    " Just confirming a theory. Hey do you mind if I tell All Might that you pulled Kaminari away for a little tutoring?"

    " Did Kaminari leave or something?"

    " He's in there with Bakugou. Don't disturb them. Bakugou is finally letting out his emotions in a healthy way."

    " Fine whatever." He thanked the teacher and ran off to the the others that Kaminari was pulled away by another teacher. The teacher though found it strange that Bakugou would accept Kaminari's help over Kirishima's.

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