Chapter seventeen: a feeling worse than death

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Chapter seventeen: a feeling worse than death.

Last time we found out Kurtis had ended up almost butchering a villain now he's heading back to camp to help everyone else. As soon he began to run the fight against the overall muscular man had physically drained. Not only that but his memory was hazy. Did he cut that man's arm off?. it was all a blur for him. right now he had to get Kota to safety.

Kurtis; how are you holding up Kota?

Kota: a-am fine.

Kurtis: come one let's get you back to camp-*sniff* What is that smell?

Kurtis sniffed the air once more his body felt like it was going to vomit the smell alone was horrible like a week-old corpse rotting flesh had tucked itself in his nostrils he put Kota on his back and kept him up with his mostly broken hoodie fabric to help Kota breath as well as himself. Soon Kurtis was now running as fast as he could. Hopefully, everyone back at camp was doing ok.

While at Camp it appeared that Aizawa and King Vlad were in a fight with a villain, that villain being Dabi. quickly a few other students showed up to see Aizawa almost defeat him. But he turned to goo?

Mineta: what was that?!

Iida: was that his quirk?! Mr Aizawa are you ok?!

Aizawa: Everyone get inside! I'll be back!

And thus Aizawa ran into the forest while the other students ran back inside the main base of the wild, wild pussy cats.

While Aizawa was busy looking for other students we see two other Villains, a masked man who looks like Deadpool and another dabi?

???: man you got your ass handed to you Dabi!

Dabi: shut up twice and make another one of me

Twice: come right up! Another small fry! On it!

Dabi: We need to keep the pro's distracted for as long as we can.

Meanwhile back with Kurtis while he was running around looking for other students he came across Kurtis

Kurtis: Aizawa! Thank gods I found you!.

Aizawa: hold o-

Kurtis: Look I don't have much time. I need to tell Mandalay something important!

Aizawa: Kurtis Wai-

Kurtis: please look after Kota keep him safe!

Aizawa: that kid is running on pure stupidity and adrenaline right now

Aizawa: Kurtis!

The teenager looked at Aizawa.

Aizawa: did you forget about Hosu!? You went too far again didn't you?! Look at yourself, you need to stop hurting yourself!

Kurtis: doesn't matter! What's important is your safety!, Kota safety! and everyone stays alive! As long as everyone is ok then I'll stop!.

Aizawa: This kid got some guts. I give him that. *totally not a disappointed dad sigh* First off don't hurt yourself second tell Mandalay something from me too.

Meanwhile back with the others fighting the villains. Kurtis came out of nowhere and fucking Decked the lizard

Kurtis: Mandalay! Kota he's Safe! Aizawa told me to tell you something important! Tell everyone it's ok for them to use their quirks! And fight the villains!

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