a moment of vulnerability [cannon not a chapter tho]

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viewer eyeballs are advised because this was written at very sad boi hours...with that said either read on or skip.


Kurtis sat on the rooftop of a city building he stood looking over the city as he did he looked next to him was Dabi. 

Dabi: heya kid 

Kurtis: oh Dabi I didn't see you there! hheeh....hehh...

Kurtis whipped his face Dabi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 

Dabi: what's wrong?

Kurtis looked at Dabi with a smile. 

Kurtis: n-nothing wrong Dabi it's me we're talking about. am always happy! ha...heh...

Dabi sighed before looking at Kurtis again. he pulled out a smoke and lit it using his fire. Kurtis frowned at him

Kurtis: Dabi! give that to me! am not letting you suck on this cancer stick!

Dabi: yeah yeah whatever you say.

Kurtis snuffed it out the two just sat there. for a while, Dabi then placed his hand over Kurtis's head. looked at him with a smile.

Dabi: you know it's ok to cry some times Kurtis. you don't have to hide things.

Kurtis: it's ok to cry eh hehe....*sniff*

Kurtis looked at Dabi before his eyes began to cry his smile faded as he cried Dabi simply pulled him into a warm embrace. 

Kurtis stood there for a few minutes just letting all his pent up stress and fear out and Dabi simply held him close. Dabi knew this pain too he just got better at hiding it.

Dabi: let it all out, Kurtis. it's ok

soon the two sat down Kurtis sighed. after crying his eyes out.

Dabi: why do you do this to yourself? 

Kurtis whipped his eyes before looking at Dabi

Kurtis: who want to listen to a teenager talk about his mental issues and well being? hahah-ahha..not my family. t-that's for sure...*sigh* y-you know Dabi it's funny to me am sitting here talking to you as if you were real. heehhe-ehhe. I m-must be insane. because once again am talking to myself...heh

Dabi: *sigh* I might not be real. but am here for you right now...that's all that matters. ok?

Kurtis: o-ok. D-Dabi a-am not ok....a-am s-so tired o-of everything m-my life school. at UA the street of dying losing everything. it's all got to. no one my age should be going threw this shit

Dabi held Kurtis close to him

Dabi: weather or not your sad am here for ya Kurtis. it's ok. it'll be ok, life...life will get better for you. but there's no reason you should give up. sure it's a pain the ass. but am still kicking. so you can too..crazy bastard.

Kurtis: o-ok.

Kurtis sat there with Dabi for a few minutes until he eventually fell asleep. on Dabi's shoulder. Dabi picked him up and carried him off back to UA. with the help of Kurogiri portals.

Kurogiri: you've gotten pretty attached to this one haven't you?

Dabi: shut up you sad excuse for a ghost

Kurogiri: you know you can't talk to him anymore it's dangerous for him and you. what if he finds out? Shigiraki might be lenient with it but him it's different.

Dabi: don't you think I know that?! I-I gave up on one family like hell am giving up on this kid. even if it means he'll hate me for eternity...

Kurogiri: like tod-

Dabi hand was in front of Kurogiri face blue flames ignited from his hand 

Dabi: don't. finish. that. sentence.

Kurogiri: alright best to get him out of here before they return

Dabi: yeah yeah...

and like that Dabi was outside of UA. he put Kurtis at the entrance leaving his old black jacket behind him. 

Dabi: stay safe kid...


Aizawa was going out on patrol around UA and found Kurtis sleep body at the entrance with a large jacket over his body? he sighed before picking up the teenager and walked into UA main building to put Kurtis in his room.

Aizawa: what am I going to do with you?

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