chapter twenty-three: 26 first years from UA vs provisional license exam! part 1

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Saturday, April 22nd musutafu japan 6:34 AM. Class 1A was either just getting up or already up relaxing, studying or eating breakfast. on the weekends, however, it was mainly the two teachers jobs to wake each student up on the weekend. so they could maintain a good sleep schedule...

Aizawa was waking the boys up. as much as he hated it. while midnight was in charge of waking the girls. altho Aizawa being Aizawa let the guys sleep in until 8:15. if they so wanted. aka the twins edgelord666 *cough* I mean Tokoyami...anyway Midnight was going to each room, happily waking the girls up as per usual.

Toru: *yawn* morning girls.

Momo: morning Toru.

Uraraka and Asui walked on in following Toru each girl looked a little dazed and still tired 

Trou" how did you girls sleep? *yawn* 

Asui: fine Kero.

Uraraka: like a baby *yawn* 

Momo: I made tea it should help you all wake up a little easier. 

Toru/Asui/Uraraka: yay~

the girls happily drank the tea before 2 guys came out those being, a semi tried Denki and always tired Shinso.

Denki: morning guys. oww morning tea!~

Momo: good moring Denki. morning Shinso

Shinso simply hummed before drinking an entire coffee pot worth of coffee no one really batted an eye since well he's shinso if coffee doesn't work they use a Denki or a twin 

Denki: so ahhh have you girls seen Kurtis anyway? he promises me some pancakes if I beat him in infinity COD. and I did so do you?-

the girl's eyes opened wide before all of them simultaneously spat the tea out.

momo: we forgot about Mina! 

they instantly ran to Mina room while doing so Denki and shinso looked at each other then back to where the girls ran off to only to shrug at one another.

they instantly ran to Mina room while doing so Denki and shinso looked at each other then back to where the girls ran off to only to shrug at one another

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meanwhile, Midnight way up to the third floor by the elevator in case you forgot what to room layout was here it is. again

Momo: Tsu!, Toru go distracted Miss midnight me and Uraraka will go get mina and Kurtis!

Asui/Toru: Right! right kero!

Asui and Toru headed to the elevator to go stop midnight from getting to Mina while Momo and Uraraka took the stairwell

Momo: quickly Uraraka! 

Uraraka: r-right!

meanwhile with Toru and Asui.

Toru: m-miss midnight! 

Midnight: hm? oh girls do you need something?

Asui: we were wondering are you going to wake mina?

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