Chapter 3.

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Unless I say otherwise, this story is going to be in Violets POV.


Standing there, I didn't know what to exactly say. And from the weird look he was giving me, it made me wonder what was going on inside of the curly head of his. But all that aside, I could've sworn I've seen him somewhere. He looks really familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Have we met before? Because I can definitely say that I've seen you before. I just don't know where." I asked him. Getting confused by the second.

He shrugged and smirked. "I don't think so. Trust me, I would've known if I had ever seen a face as pretty as yours." He finished with a wink.

I just chuckled in response, I can already see that I'll have to get used to his flirty and playful attitude. And I don't know why, but I wasn't getting a cocky or conceited vibe from him, he just seemed goofy. Shaking my head, I walked past him to go check up on Lux upstairs. I don't know why I thought he looked intimidating, he was a total goofball.

Peeking my head in Lux's room, I saw her on the floor, playing with her toys which were scattered all around her room. Her back was turned to me though, so she couldn't really see me standing there, it was quite creepy if I do say so myself, I looked like a stalker. Giggling mentally at my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder if Lux remembered me. I mean yeah, it's been like three years since I last saw Lou, but I met her in a café and Lux wasn't with her, so that means the last time I saw Lux was when she was born. How the hell would she remember me? I was so anxious to meet her though. What if she doesn't like me? What will I do for the next two or three days? I mean Lou is like an older sister I never had, what if her daughter didn't like me? I would be miserable. And I know she's 5, but still, it would suck big time.

Taking in a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

"Hally, why are you knocking on m-" she stopped talking when she saw me standing in the doorway. I gave her a smile, and seeing her make an adorable confused expression made me go 'Aww' internally.

"Hi!" I said waving at her, but she kept on looking at me, confused. "Can I come in?"

Hesitantly, she nodded her head. I took a few steps into the room and sat down on the ground beside her. "Do you remember me?" She shook her head no. Thought so. "I remember you though. You know, when you were a little baby, I held you in my arms. You were so cute and adorable and cuddly." I grinned when I saw her blush a little. She looked down, but I could see a smile on her face.

I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Her hair was a stunning golden colour which fell in a straight, messy curtain around her head, framing her face perfectly. Her bright blue eyes were full of mischief and wonder. It was obvious she'll be a heartbreaker when she grows up.

"What's your name?" She said looking up at me. I couldn't help but grin at her, she was finally talking to me.

"I'm Violet, and I would love it if you would be my friend." I asked her.

She jumped up from her sitting position. Her eyes shining -literally- and a full blown toothy grin on her face. "Violet's my favourite colour! And you have such a pretty name! And I'll be your bestest friend in the whole wide world!" She said throwing her hands up in the air and waving them around. Oh gosh, I'm going to melt. She has such a cute little voice and listening to her 'made up' English was really entertaining. But I couldn't help but feel relieved. I forgot kids could go from being shy to hyper, grumpy to happy, and sad to ecstatic within seconds.

"Okay best friend! What do you want to do?" I asked her, coming on her level of enthusiasm.

"Eek! I know just the thing!"


And that's how I ended up in the smallest chair -in the whole world probably- dipping cookies in my little tea cup filled with water.

Don't ask.

"Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Snuggles, I'll pour you some more tea immediately. Oh and Ms. Patifluffkins! You should take more cookies. There're plenty more for everyone!" Lux poured some tea in a cup, passing it to a teddy bear which was seated on a chair like mine. And then passed the plate of cookies to a weird animal, which was probably half-unicorn and half-a-creepy-fluffy-animal-which-I-have-never-ever-seen-before.

Although, I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying every bit of it. It was so funny and kinda amazing, how big of an imagination she had. Gosh, despite how annoying or moody kids can be, they really are cool to hangout with -doesn't matter if you're having a tea party- it's hella fun.

Lux was just teaching me how to drink my tea -which by the way, you had to stick out your pinky and sip the tea bit by bit- when we heard a deep chuckle from the door. I turned my head around and saw Harry with an amused look on his face, quite enjoying standing there and looking at us have our tea party.

"Hey! Why did I not get an invite? I'm hurt Lulu." Harry faked being hurt, placing his hand on his chest and sticking his bottom lip out in a pout for emphasis.

It didn't even take a second for Lux to jump up and start running in his direction. "I'm sorry Hally! I forgot! I love you! You can come join us now! Please forgive me." Her bottom lip started quivering as she was jumping up and down -trying to get her point across. Harry kneeled down on his knee to get to her height.

"I'll forgive you on one condition." He said really seriously. God! He is such a tease! It looked like Lux was about to breakdown. Oh how I wanted to end her misery. What was he gonna ask of a 5 year old though?


"You have to kiss me on both my cheeks two times each. And then you'll have to give me the biggest bear hug in the whole wide world." His lips broke out into a huge grin, his dimples indenting in his cheeks, his pearly whites on full display.


I didn't expect that.

My heart literally swelled at his words. Oh my god, he is so freaking cute! I have never seen a boy ever show this much affection to a child -who isn't even theirs! Most -if not all- of the boys that I've come across are so snobby and stuck up, about to explode due to their egos the size of the Burj Khalifa.

Her eyes lit up and she jumped into his arms, eagerly kissing his cheeks and squeezing the life out of him. Harry was bubbling with laughter, his deep raspy voice resonating off the walls and filling the room with it's wonderful sound.

I couldn't help but smile softly at the adorable scene in front of me. Those two were so cute when they were with each other. It really wouldn't take a genius to figure out that they had something special between them. Their bond with each other looked and felt so strong, I couldn't keep my eyes off of them and I couldn't help but laugh lightly along with those two.


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