Chapter 2.

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~Violet's POV~

Stuffing the last bit of toast in my mouth, I ran upstairs to grab my small backpack from beside my door. Checking my reflection in the mirror one last time, I swung it on my shoulder and jogged back downstairs. I took my thick coat from the hook next to the main door and slid my arms inside the two holes, securing it tightly around my body for warmth.

"Mom! I'm leaving!" I yelled so she could hear me anywhere in the house.

"Okay honey! Bye! Have fun, love you!" She yelled back, her voice coming from the laundry room.

"Love you too!"

Opening the door, -more like struggling against it- I tried to walk out of the house, but the 5 inch layer of snow wouldn't let me. Once I was outside, I shut the door and practically ran towards my car. I chuckled, realising I was walking and talking like Anna from Frozen, while saying 'cold, cold, cold.'

Rubbing my hands together to create some heat, I put my car in ignition and started to drive to Lou's house.


Ding dong.

I rang their bell, waiting for someone to open so I could get out of this fatal cold weather. I wrapped my arms around myself and as if on cue, my teeth started chattering dangerously fast and loud.

"Oh God. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God." I started chanting. Why isn't anyone opening the damn door? Just as I was about to murder the door bell, the door swung open and revealed a really apologetic and frustrated Lou.

"Oh shit! Come in, come in!" She grabbed me by my arm -seeing as I couldn't move, literally- and dragged me inside. "Violet! I'm so sorry! We were rushing around the house because we're just so worried about baby Lux and I don't know if it's a good idea to leave her behind. I was asking Tom if we could cancel thi-" I cut her of by wrapping my arms around her. I didn't want her to second guess this. It's going to be her and Tom's 5th anniversary and I wanted her to enjoy it to the fullest. Without having to worry about anything.

"It's really nice to meet you too Lou." I grinned, although my face was hidden. Instinctively, she started to wrap her arms around me too, slumping and relaxing her posture.
"And about what you said. Don't even think about thinking about it. I won't let you cancel this. You and Tom go and have fun. I'll be here with Lux till the day you come back, I don't care if it's a week or a month, She's going to be with me. Okay?"

A content sigh escaped her lips "Okay."

We pulled out of each others embrace, and she held me at arms length. "Oh God, I've been going on and on, I haven't even greeted you properly!" A huge toothy grin pulled up at her lips. "Vi, oh my God how are you? It's been, what? 3 years since I last saw you? You grew up to be even beautiful!" She gushed.

I gave her a small smile. Mostly because I didn't know how to take a compliment, I get really awkward. And secondly, because there was this man, -he was quite young actually- standing against the living room entrance. He was leaning on the wall, but his eyes were trained on me. It was quite intimidating. Lou noticed I wasn't paying attention so she turned around to look at what I was so focused on. Realisation hit her and she dragged me over to him.

"Violet, this is Harry. Harry, Violet." She waved her hand between us, introducing us. I gave him a hesitant smile and brought my hand up for him to shake. "Hi."

His features broke out into a full blown cheeky grin, with two dimples indented in either cheeks.

"Nice to finally meet you Violet. Lou wouldn't shut up about you." He smiled, bringing his hand up to shake mine. He didn't let it go immediately though.

I lightly chuckled, mentally shaking my head at his statement. Mainly because I know he was right. Once Lou starts talking, it's close to impossible to shut her up. "Likewise." I replied.

"Although," he continued with a mischievous look. "I have to say, words can't really describe how beautiful you are." He winked. Turning my hand around -which he still held by the way- and kissing the backside. By now, I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook me as a tomato. Oh Gosh! Why the hell am I blushing so hard?!

"Harry!" Lou cut in, hitting him on the back of his head. "Would you stop flirting?! Oh god how am I gonna leave my baby alone with you! Oh I should've thought about this further! She's probably gonna starve if it depended on your attention span!" She started rambling again. I looked back to Harry and it looked like he'd burst out laughing any minute.

Putting his hands on either sides of her shoulders, he tried to calm her down a bit.

"Lou, it's going to be alright. I have Violet to help me. Calm. Down." It looked like he was talking to a 5 year old by the way he was speaking. But surprisingly, she calmed down. A lot.
Her shoulders slumped, again.

I turned around to see Tom coming towards us. Grinning at him, I stretched my arms out to hug him. More than eagerly, he speed-walked towards me, trapping me in his embrace and picking me up to spin me around once.

"Vi! How've you been kiddo? We missed you so much!" He smiled a toothy smile, with a glint in his eyes. Man, I missed him like crazy.

"I missed you too Tom!" I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. It's been awhile since we went on an adventure together. We'd always prank Lou, and she'd be the grumpy girl no one wanted to go near.

"I really wish we could talk more but we really gotta get goin' now." He gave me an apologetic look.

"Oh no no it's okay, you guys really should be heading out now." I reassured him.

Hugging them one last time, Tom picked up both their bags and belongings, and headed out to the car. Lou was just about to go out, when she turned around once again facing Harry and me.

"Okay the milks in the fridge. But remember, you have to warm it a little bit in the microwave before giving it to her. She's sleeping right now but she'll be awake in awhile. But don't let her sleep in too late or else she won't sleep at night. The d-" Harry cut her off finishing what she had to say.

"Diapers are in Lux's drawer upstairs, the left one on the bottom. Make sure to just feed her on time and let her take her naps, or else she'll be really pissy and moody. And don't give her too much sugar, because I know what she gets like. Got it." He nodded his head. "Now shoo before I have to kick you out of your own house." He challenged her playfully, although I wouldn't be surprised if he was serious. Lou was being such a Mom right now. I chuckled, shaking my head.

Her shoulders slumped -probably for the millionth time- and she sighed, kinda defeated. She smiled warmly at us, "Thank you guys. It means a lot to us. You just made everything a whole lot easier for us." She said sincerely. Turning to look over her shoulder at Tom, she turned back to us with a half amused-half worried expression. "And I'm starting to think if I wait any longer, he's gonna leave me behind." She chuckled, "See ya later guys! I love you! Be safe!"

Shutting the door after her, I peeked from the window and saw her struggling to walk through the snow on the ground. Pulling the curtains close, I turned around, facing a very mischievous looking Harry.


Sorry if there're any typos. I hope you like it.
Please vote/comment if you did, I'd really appreciate it.

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