Chapter 1.

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~Violet's POV~

Bobbing my head to the music coming through my headphones, I desperately tried to solve this damned math equation.

Chewing on my pencil, I tried to make sense of it all. How do people even come up with this stuff? Frustrated, I was on the verge of ripping the pages out of my notebook when there was a knock on my door. I'd have to thank whoever it was for saving me all the trouble which came after murdering my notebook.

"Come in!" I signalled, taking my headphones out of my ears.

"Hey there sweetie." My mom smiled walking through the door.

"Hey mom. What's up?" I smiled back.

"Are you busy dear? Do you want to finish your homework? I can come back after a while." She asked me, her features changing into one of concern.

"Nah it's alright. It's just my winter homework. It doesn't really matter if I do it, I was just practicing." I assured her with a shake of my head.

"Oh alright. Okay so Lou called me awhile ago. She was wondering if you could babysit Lux? She told me that it's their anniversary and they wanted to go away somewhere." My mom asked me. "But she says only if it's okay with you. She has a friend taking care of her already but she's not quite sure if he'll be able to handle all the responsibility."

Huh. He's probably younger than me then.

"Oh no it's okay mom. I'll do it. Plus I kinda miss Lux a lot. I bet she's really grown up now." I smiled remembering the time we went to visit Louise in the hospital and I got to hold the little bundle of light in my arms. She was so adorable and it's been ages since I last saw her.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together beaming at me. "I'll just call her and tell her you're up!" She grinned. I don't get why my mom was so excited.

"Wait!" I stopped her. "When do I have to go? And how long do I have to stay?" I asked her.

"They're going to leave tomorrow morning. She said she wanted to leave early so they could reach wherever they're going, early. And I think you'll have to stay one or two nights. I'm not quite sure. She'll let you know though." She smiled once again, turning around and gently closing my door. Okay, so I'll just pack a small bag with me and get ready for tomorrow then.

Getting up from the position on my bed, I started going through my closet and putting clothes in the small bag I chose. Gathering all my toiletries in a smaller bag, and putting it inside my other bag, I set it beside my bedroom door so I wouldn't forget it tomorrow.

It was starting to get late so I changed into my pyjamas and got ready for bed. I set my alarm for tomorrow and drifted of to a peaceful slumber.


Gif of Violet above!

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