Chapter 7.

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~Harry's POV~

I was standing in front of the stove, making spaghetti while Violet was standing beside me mixing something in a bowl on the kitchen counter. Lux had woken up from her nap and was now engrossed in a weird cartoon on the TV.

"I didn't peg you as the type to cook honestly. I mean it's just spaghetti but still." Violet said, looking at me and then turning to her mixture.

I smiled, "When me and Louis lived together, he was such a slob. I had to do everything. The cleaning, the cooking. And then, when I moved out, I guess I took up on the habit." I shrugged.

"Your friend Louis?" She asked confused. I nodded and smiled at her. "Why did you move out?"

My smile faltered a little, but I quickly recovered.


"Oh it wasn't a big deal. He wanted his girlfriend to move in with him and I was more than happy to give both of them some space." I tried to smile.

She just smiled at me and nodded in understanding.

We finished making dinner and served it into three plates. Violet grabbed the sauce she had been working on and poured it over all three of the plates.

"What is this?" I asked, a little skeptical.

"What do you think? Poison, duh." She said with a straight face and walked out to the living room with two of the plates in both her hands.

I stood there like an idiot for five minutes trying to figure out if she was actually joking or not. I mentally slapped myself by how stupid I sounded. Ofcourse she was joking Harold.

I grabbed mine too and walked out after her. I sat down beside her on the couch while Lux was sat on the floor in front of the TV still watching her cartoon while eating. It looked as if she wasn't even chewing by how fast she was gobbling it down.

I twisted the spaghetti around my fork and raised it to my mouth, devouring it.

I wasn't in control of the noise I made next. As embarrassing as it was, I couldn't help it.

I moaned.

Violet's head snapped to me, her eyebrow raised and an amused expression adorning her face. "Harry? You alright there?" She tried to stifle her laughter.

I felt heat rising up my neck and my cheeks flushing. "U-uh yeah. Whatever you put on this is making me orgasm." I blurted out, my eyes snapping to Lux to see she wasn't paying attention to us, then back to her.

She giggled, "It's actually a recipe passed down from my great great great grandma, and it has been made ever since. I personally love it. It can literally be put on anything you want. Except eggs ofcourse. That'd be gross." She mused.

Her beautiful grey eyes looking to the side in thought and her soft and sweet pink lips being chewed on by her pearly white teeth. She's a beautiful girl and so far, fun to be around.

But the thing that caught me off-guard was that she didn't recognize me. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but it's just a shock to me. It's so hard to meet people these days who don't know you already. Because everytime I meet someone new and introduce myself, they go 'Oh I know who you are. You're Harry Styles from One Direction aren't you?' and God knows what they know about me seeing as the media feeds the public complete bullshit and twisted stories.

I was pleasantly surprised when she didn't go all bat-shit crazy in my face when I met her.

"It's honestly the best thing I've ever tasted." I replied honestly.

Her eyes glinted, "Yeah, I could se-hear that." She beamed.

"Oh hush!" I waved my hand dismissively. 

And I don't plan on telling her anytime soon because I don't want her to treat me any differently after she knows who I am. Not that she looks like the kind of person who judges easily but I'd rather not take my chances.


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