Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4. (SITM)


All three of us were sitting in the living room. Me on the carpeted floor with Lux, and Harry on the couch scrolling through his phone.

Lou had a decent sized house. It was definitely not small, but it wasn't a mansion either. Her living room was about double the size of mine, and the staircase was elegant and classy, giving it a vintage slash modern look. If that made sense. The TV was placed on the left far side of the living room against the wall, with two recliner chairs, a love seat and a couch in front of it. And ofcourse the fine glass coffee table in the middle.

The kitchen was behind the couches, facing the TV. You could see everything in and out of the kitchen from the living room and vice versa.

Honestly I have no idea where Lou started working recently, all I know is she's a hairstylist. I mean her and Tom's jobs ought to be pretty well paid if they manage to afford a house like this.

The floor between the couches and TV was quite spacious so me and Lux had more than enough space to scatter the Lego pieces around and try to make something decent out of it.

Mental note, pick every single piece up after we finish. I don't think the ambulance would be able to reach here on time before someone dies stepping on a piece.

I looked over at Lux to see her face twisted in concentration, eyebrows furrowed and a slight pout to her lips.

"What're you making Lux?" I asked.

She lifted her head up, eyes wide, as if realising she wasn't the only one in the room.

"Oh! I'm making a fwower!" She said excitedly.

"You mean a flower?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow and an amused expression.

"Yes yes! How does it look Violet?" She asked enthusiastically, raising her hands up to my eye level and showing it to me. In her hands was a deformed block made of tiny pieces of Lego. I stifled a giggle at how cute and excited she was.

"Oh sweetie it looks beautiful! You might just have to teach me how to be that good you know. I suck." I gushed for her sake. Her face immediately lit up even more.

"Don't worry Violet! I'll help you make it wight!" She's so adorable.

We played a little more before a voice interrupted us.

"I'm bored! Do you guys want to do something?" Harry spoke from the couch, locking his phone and sitting up a little straighter. His face was filled with hope.

This got Lux excited and she sprinted up from her position with wide eyes and jumped on Harry. This clearly caught him off guard, making him fall with his back flat of the couch.

"I have an idea!" She exclaimed, putting both her hands on Harry's shoulders and shaking him. Seeing the amusement on his face made me realise she wasn't even moving a muscle on his body with her puny strength. This was hilarious.

"Lux. Lux! Calm down! Let's hear what you have to say." His eyes were twinkling and he had a toothy grin on his face as he tried to contain the over excited child.

"Let's play hide and seek!"

This perked me up, "Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Goddamnit! This always happens to me!"


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