Chapter 13.

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~Violet's POV~

It was now almost 9:00 p.m. and still no chance of sleeping. You'd seriously think after babysitting a toddler, you'd be worn out, and Lux too. Although she isn't even that much of a hassle. Harry, on the other hand, is worse than a toddler. My God.



"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a banana on top?"

I gave him a weird look, "Why a banana?"

"'Cause bananas are nice!"

I sighed, "Why do you wanna do it so bad? Yours is just like mine! If not longer!"

We are currently sitting on the couch after putting Lux to bed, and this man -child more like- wants to braid my hair. Braid my hair! What the heck is this?

"Because yours is nice and soft and easily accessible. I can't make it on myself. I'm not that much of an expert at it yet. Yet! Plus Lou taught me how to make it and I haven't had a chance to try it on anyone. You're my first customer!" He grinned, clapping his hands together like a school girl.

"Yay me!" Note the sarcasm.

"C'mon now, Violet! You'll love it!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine!" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Yes!" He fist pumped the air in victory, his pearly whites on display. Wow, he has such straight and perfect teeth. Wow. How? "Come 'ere now." He said, patting the foot of the couch between his legs, telling me to sit on the floor.

I stood up, walked over to him and sat down on the ground, his extra long and lanky legs on either side of my shoulders. He ran his unusually long fingers through my hair, brushing and separating out the tangles. His soft fingertips massaging my scalp along the way. I closed my eyes subconsciously, the feeling igniting every cell in my body and sending them out of control. I held in a sigh as he started to work on my hair.

"Knew it was soft." Harry mumbled to himself.

"Oh hush, you moron." I smiled, although he couldn't see it.

"Speaking of, wanna hear a story?" I could hear the smile on his face.

"Sure." I shrugged. "Better not be lame, though."

"Won't be!" He said taking a strand of my hair and joining it with the rest. Oh, so he's making a French Braid? "Okay so this one time in ninth grade, there was this kid in my English class who went up to the teacher after the lecture to confront him. He was like 'I don't appreciate being singled out.' And the teacher was so confused he went, 'What do you mean?'" He said as he did my hair, "And then the kid went, 'I don't know what the 'oxy' part means, but I know what a 'moron' is, and you looked straight at me when you said it.'." He finished with a cackle.

"Oh damn, that kid really must be a moron then." I chuckled along with him.

Right that second my phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached in to pull it out, making sure I don't mess up Harry's handiwork.

Mum: Alright then, sweetie. Take care, have fun and tell me if you need anything okay? Give Baby Lux a kiss from me, yeah? Oh, and make sure the windows are all tightly closed and the house temperature is warm for you lot. It's getting a bit messy out there with all the snow. Love you! xx

I smiled reading the text. She texted me a while ago when I was in the room, asking how everything was. My heart swelled at how lovely and caring she was. I typed out a quick text.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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