Chapter 9.

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I walked to the front door to get my bag which I dumped when I entered, in the morning. I bent to pick it up and also peaked outside to see how bad the weather had gotten. The roads couldn't even be seen and I saw my car half buried in the snow. I just hope Lou and Tom reached there safely. I started going back to the living room just as Harry was coming down the stairs.

"Did Lou tell us where we were gonna sleep?" I asked, a little confused at the lack of information.

He nodded, "Oh yeah, the room is just down the hall from the living room. It's a guest room. And the bathroom is just across from it." He smiled, nodding his head towards the hallway.

"Oh, okay thanks." I smiled at him. I started walking towards the direction but stopped. "Wait, Where are you sleeping?"

"Oh don't worry about that," He waved his hand dismissively. "The couch is more than comfortable."

My face dropped. I can't let him sleep on the couch and hog the room. That's just unfair.

"What? No way." I shook my head in disapproval. "No way am I going to let you sleep out here. I know for a fact that the rooms are extra heated. Have you seen the weather out? You're gonna freeze out here." I frowned, concerned.

His face softened and he smiled at me, "It's alright Violet. I can handle a little bit of cold. I'll have a blanket."

"No. I refuse that. Either we take turns to sleep on the couch. Or you sleep in there. I'm pretty sure every bed in this house is king sized. It can fit both of us." I said, not having any of it.

He opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off.

"No Harry. I know you're a total gentleman. You don't have to torture yourself to prove it to me. I know you won't try anything on me." I smiled teasingly at him. "Now shut your knob and follow me." I laughed and started to walk to the room.

He stood there with a surprised expression, but he shook his head and chuckled, finally following.

I walked into the room and I was right. There lay a massive king sized bed against the wall. Probably able to fit five people comfortably. I put my bag on one side and took out the necessary things for the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna go change." I said and walked to the bathroom.

He nodded and chuckled, "Sure."

I entered the bathroom and locked the door. Tying my hair up in a ponytail, I started to do my daily routine of brushing my teeth and whatnot. After changing into my pajamas, I stepped back into the room to find Harry already cozied up on one side of the bed, typing away on his phone. He glanced at me for a second and resumed doing whatever he was doing.

I walked towards my side and lifted the covers to get in.

"Cute pajamas." He said without looking at me. I was wearing a purple set of pyjamas with little batman logos scattered over it. It was my favourite pair.

I chuckled, "Thanks." I picked up the covers to see his, "Your's t- Harry!" I dropped the duvet immediately and scooted back on my side, throwing my side of the duvet over my head and hiding myself.

He wasn't wearing any anymore! He's in boxer briefs!

I heard booming laughter fill the quiet room and felt the bed shaking by how hysterically he was laughing. I sunk more in the bed, my cheeks flaming in embarrassment.

"Wear some pants!" I shrieked, although I don't think he heard me.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch that." He said, lightly pulling the duvet from over my head.

His beautiful dimpled face came into my line of view, his smile reaching his eyes. "I said wear some pants.." I mumbled.

"You know, I actually sleep naked, you're lucky I'm just pantless right now." He laughed.

I couldn't help it, I started laughing and blurted out, "Am I?"

His eyes widened and his head snapped to me, his mouth hanging open. He covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes shining with mischief. "Did you just.." He looked at me and shrugged. "Okay then." He hooked two fingers in his boxers and started to pull them down.

"Oh God No! I was joking!" I laughed. "Jesus Christ stop it!"

We both fell back on the bed, a laughing, sputtering mess. His voice was so beautiful and melodic and you could tell that by how he laughed. It was like when he was laughing, there was nothing else you could focus on except him. The time seemed to slow down just a little bit and he seemed to be in his own world. The way he threw his head back, eyes screwed shut and crinkled at the sides. His nose scrunched up and his mouth wide open and smiling. His voice sent chills down my spine, the good kind, though.

We calmed down after about ten minutes, and just lay on our backs facing the ceiling and breathing heavily, our hands on our cramping stomachs.

"Hey, how long do we have stay here, though? I think I remember my mom saying about three nights?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah. Three nights and then Tom and Lou will be back and we can go home." Harry chuckled from beside me.

"Oh my god, I have to bear with you for another three days? I don't know how I'm going to get past these three horrible days." I fake sighed. "But, at least I have Lux."

"Hey!" He looked at me with a fake hurt expression. "Take it back!"

"Nope." I shook my head, trying to hide my smile.

"Take it back!" He said, inching towards me.

"Never!" I said, biting my lip to stop my shit-eating grin.

He grinned at me mischievously, crawling over to me and towering over me, his light chuckles started to slip from his lips. "Take. It. Back." He growled playfully at me, "Or else.."

"Or else what Harold?" I teased him, finally letting my grin take over.

"You asked for this!" With that, he lunged at me with full force, his body colliding with mine and pressing me between his chest and the mattress.

I screamed, "Harry stop!" As he started to jab his fingers in my sides, tickling me.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because I hate being tickled but it also makes me painfully laugh and I'm probably the most ticklish person in the world. "Harry!" I wheezed. "Please!" His fingers kept on tickling me all over my stomach and sides.

"Do you take it back now?" He laughed with me.

"I-I'm not g- Aah! Going t-to be respo-Oh my God! Harry!" I tried to breathe and stop my laughter as I wailed my limbs around helplessly. Harry was straddling my lap so I tried wiggling out from under him but to no avail. I continued, "Not..respons-sible..for any.. Injuries!" I managed to choke out. As if on cue, my knee accidently jabbed into his back and he flinched, leaning back a little and his legs loosening slightly on my waist. That gave me an advantage as I started to wriggle under him. My hips accidentally pressed in between his legs, feeling something hard against me, and I heard a strangled groan from above me.

Oh F.uck no..

Our actions halted immediately and my head snapped up to look at him. His eyes were about to pop out, his mouth formed an 'o' shape and his cheeks, and neck were blood red. He started to un-straddle me and moved to go back to his bed position, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Violet, I-I'm so- I mean u-uh I didn't mean to- I just- I couldn- Good night!" With that he buried himself in the duvet, turning his side of the bed-side lamp off.

I didn't know whether to laugh or be embarrassed.

I turned my side of the lamp off too, darkness engulfing the room, and got comfortable in my position as well.

What just happened?


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