Chapter 5.

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First of all. How cute is that gif oh my god kill me please


"98...99... One hundred! Ready or not, here I come!" Called Harry, his voice booming throughout the house.

I heard a small giggle from in front of me, which was of course Lux.

I was currently inside a little closet of brooms and such, just under the staircase. Almost like the one in Harry Potter. But on the door, there was a little slit type thing which you could pull slightly to see outside. Only enough space for your eyes to fit. Like the ones on the main door where you push the mail inside. Though I didn't know why it was here in the first place.

I pulled it back slightly to see Lux's little feet behind the curtains, and giggled quietly at how cute she was, trying to stay quiet. She popped her head out a little to look at me and I raised my lips in the open space instead of my eyes and put my finger on my lips, making a 'shh' sound although I couldn't stay quiet myself.

We both heard footsteps coming our way and immediately went back to our original positions, behind the door and behind the curtain.

"Hmm. Where could they possibly be hiding." I heard Harry's dramatic voice from outside somewhere, and I could tell he was getting closer by his voice.

"Vot iz deez torture! I iz comeeng for yewz gurleez!" He spoke in a weird accent.

Oh my god, he did not just..

I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing hysterically. I knew what he was doing. He's trying to make us laugh so he can hear us and find us. 

Although Lux wasn't really good at controlling her laughter and she burst out laughing. But then as soon as she did, she stopped immediately, realising her mistake. But I bet Harry already heard her.

I expected him to run towards us, but his footsteps immediately stopped after that. There was pin drop silence and I could literally hear myself breathing.

What the hell? Where is he?

I waited five minutes. 


Just to make sure, I waited another five before cautiously pulling the little handle of the small space between the door to see what was happening.

I pulled it halfway and before I could fully open it, a pair of bright green eyes popped right in front of me.

"Boo!" He suddenly yelled.

"AAAHH!" I screamed so loudly, shutting the flap back down and backed away from the sudden shock, my head hitting the top of the closet, which was actually the bottom of the staircase, and I fell over, my body crashing into the pile of brooms and buckets.

"Oww." I groaned.

The closet door suddenly swung open, a confused and concerned Harry ducking inside.

"Oh dear lord, are you okay?!" He knelt down beside me, lending me a hand.

Even though my back was sore and the top of my scalp was burning, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the situation I was currently in. "I'm fine Harry." I took his hand, which was surprisingly really soft for a guy, and pulled myself up by his help.

He seemed to be relieved as he let out a huff of breath. But then his expression changed to amused, his eyes glinting in the darkness of the closet, as if suddenly remembering something. 

"You're it."


I know it was short, but that was intended. Hope you liked it though! Vote/Comment if you did! Thanks for reading anyways haha <3


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