Chapter 11.

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Oh my gosh she is so damn cute like wtaf how^^


I walk back to the living room after calming down and splashing my face with water. Harry is sitting on the couch with a deep frown while Lux is sitting in front of the TV again, on the floor. I glance at the kitchen table to find all the mess cleaned up, the dishes in the sink and also Lux in a new set of clothes. 

Wow. How long did I take?

I go and sit on the couch beside Harry, with at least two feet between us.

I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off.

"Are you okay Violet?" His expression is soft and concerned, his whole body facing me now.

I gave him a smile and nodded. "Yeah, Harry. I'm totally fine. Don't worry about it." I gave him an encouraging nod to add emphasis. I was fine. I'm fine.

His gaze lingered on me for a few more minutes, going all over my face. Something flashed in his eyes for a millisecond and then vanished just as it came. which made me a bit nervous.

"Thanks for cleaning up the mess, though. A-and Lux too." I gave him a slight smile.

 His eyes connected to mine again and he gave a small but firm nod, his teeth clenched.

He was about to say something but a strange ring from somewhere cut him off. I reached into my pocket, realising it was a skype call.

Louise Teasdale is calling...

Harry saw the caller ID. 

My thumb hovered over the 'accept' button but he grabbed my wrist suddenly. 

His movements were sudden but soft and tender. His feather like fingers felt so nice against my skin.

My head snapped towards him, his eyes staring deep into mine. It was almost like he knew all my secrets. It was as if he was trying to tell me something through his eyes, but I couldn't understand what he wanted to say. He looked so incredibly sincere and understanding, I almost felt like spilling every little secret buried deep inside my heart and mind. They were at the tip of my tongue and that scared me. How can a simple look make me feel so safe and courageous, yet so terribly vulnerable and scared? In this moment, I felt so safe and protected, yet I feared for my heart.

His lips parted, as if he was going to say something but he shook his head and let go of me. Almost like he knew exactly what he wanted to say but realised this wasn't the right time.

He took the phone from my hands and answered the call. I didn't do anything. My mind was a jumbled mess. I wanted to scream and yell and just say something but nothing came out of my mouth. What is this feeling? It's eating me from inside.

"Viol- Harry! What the hell?! You don't answer your own phone but you pick up Violet's?! I was worried sick! Why the hell weren't you answering?!" Lou's face popped up on the screen, an angry and worried expression on her face.

"What? You've been calling me? I didn't get an-" He stopped, looking at his phone after taking it out of his pocket and seeing the twenty-seven missed calls on his lock screen. He looked back at Lou with a sheepish expression on his face. "Oh damn. Wow. Twenty-seven. L-Lou..I..I can explain. My phone was on silent and I k-" He started explaining himself but Lou angrily cut him off.

"Shut up! You have no idea how worried I am! What if something happened to my baby?! Oh my god! This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have left! I trust Violet but oh gosh! Harry, you're such an idiot. There is absolutely no excuse for this! Why the actual fu-"

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