Chapter 6.

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After playing for a couple more rounds, Lux had gotten a bit worn out and so she decided she wanted a nap.

"Do you want anything else, sweetie?" I asked her as Harry tucked her into her bed.

She shook her head, closing her eyes and drinking from her baby bottle. 

We took that as a sign that she was already half asleep, and started to walk out. Halfway through the door, I turned around to see that Harry wasn't following me outside. Instead, he leaned down in front of Lux and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, "Sleep tight kiddo." Making her smile contently and doze off.

I walked out of the door just as he turned around so he wouldn't think I was just standing there like a creep, looking at their sweet exchange.

Which I totally wasn't.

He caught up to me on the stairs as we were going down, and followed me in the kitchen where I got myself a glass of water. 

"So.." He went on, scratching the back of his head. "What do you want to do?"

I could clearly see the clock in the lounge, since it was an open kitchen, and saw that it was just 4 p.m. right now. 

I shrugged, not knowing what we could do here. "Uhh.. Wanna watch a movie..?" I suggested unsurely.

He gave me an immediate smile, his dimples popping in either side of his cheeks. "'Course, why not?"

He went straight to the living room and I saw him going through the stack of movies under the TV. I quickly gulped down my water and joined him, sitting beside him cross-legged.

"How about... Mission Impossible..?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he went through the movies in concentration.

I immediately shook my head. "I'm not in the mood for action right now." I said regrettably.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He playfully sighed, tossing it in the pile of movies not to watch.

He picked up another, "Dora?" he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

I gave him a look and he tossed that aside too, making an over dramatic expression, like he actually wanted to see it.


"Too overrated."

"Are not!" He actually looked offended. "They are the cutest little creatures ever made! How dare you disrespect?" He put his hand over his chest in mock hurt.

"I mean they were really cute and funny in the beginning but now, everywhere you look you see them! Phone cases, t-shirts, toys, bags, mugs, the internet, you name it." I exasperated.

He shook his head, "I'm gonna leave it at this, but just so you know, I would've won the argument." He said, putting the minion movie aside. I just playfully rolled my eyes.

He rummaged a little more, his hand going to the far end of the stack.

"How about," he said reading the movie title, "50 Shades of Grey?" his eyes turning mischevious, and his eyebrows wiggling up and down in a suggestive way. 

He gave me an over the top, exaggerated wink and I burst out laughing. 

"You're kidding me right?" 


"Oh my god! You're actually serious?! I literally just met you for the first time a few hours ago and you want to see 50 Shades with me?" I looked at him in disbelief, with a grin on my lips.

"Well.. when you put it that way.." He mumbled, looking down at his hands.

"Absolutely not!" I screeched, and took the movie from him, tossing it back.

He then turned his head back up and gave me a lop-sided grin.

He picked up the next movie, "Inside Out?"

"Yeah, let's watch that. I love that movie, I could honestly watch it every day." I beamed. He gave me a smile and then put the CD in its provided slot.

We both scrambled to the couch as soon as the castle which represents Disney flashed across the screen. I sat down beside him, with at least two feet of distance between us.

"So, have you seen this before?" I asked facing him while the beginning credits started to roll in.

He nodded. "I went to see it in the theatres with Louis, and I honestly enjoyed it."

"Louis..?" I asked, a little confused.

He looked at me weirdly, "You know.. Louis." He spoke unsurely as if he thought I would already know the guy. "Louis Toml-" He went on, but realization struck in his eyes and his eyes widened.

He mumbled something like ' wow' under his breath before looking up at me.

"E-erm am I supposed to know someone called L-" I began to ask him, but he cut me off.

"No! I mean- I mean no." He spoke suddenly catching me off guard. "He's just my best mate. I mean why would you know him?" He gave me nervous laugh.

"Okay..." I said, dragging the 'ay', before turning back to the movie. I almost felt like he was hiding something.


The movie was almost finished now and I looked over at Harry.

My eyes widened.

"Dear God!"  I slammed my hand over my mouth which was wide open. "Harry, are you crying?!"

He sniffled, rubbing his eyes, "Yeah, how are you not? This is the most beautiful thing I've seen. It, like, has every single emotion and it links them together so nicely, you get this raw feeling while watching it." His bloodshot eyes looking into mine.

He looked so adorable.

I wasn't against people crying. I actually felt good about myself in a twisted way, because that meant that someone was comfortable around me enough to cry in front of me. Plus it's not like he was sad-crying.

The thing that shocked me the most was that he actually admitted he was crying instead of covering it up with something like 'what? no! I just have something in my eye'. Gosh, it's so refreshing to be near boys who don't have a big ego.

I just shrugged, "I've watched it so many times, I still love it, but I just don't tear up watching it every time."

That was not true. I cry while watching movies every time. A lot. I don't care how many times I've watched it. It's just that I don't cry in front of people. I'm just too embarrassed and ashamed to. I feel like people will judge me if I cry in front of them. It's not that I don't trust them. It's just that I can't. I either find myself running to the bathroom or trying to hold it in. And as far as I've known Harry, I can tell he's just a bundle of joy. But I've had this feeling for a long time and I just can't shake it.


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