Chapter 12.

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Btw guys I changed the details of the story, check it out! <3


~Harry's POV~

I woke up snuggled on the couch. A blanket over me and a pillow under my head. I slightly opened one eye to peek around me. The TV was softly playing in the background, but no one was there. I popped my other eye open and sat up straight on the couch. I heard giggles coming from the kitchen so I turned around, just to find Violet standing in front of the stove and Lux perched up on the counter beside it. They were both talking in hushed whispers, their bodies turned away from the living room where I was. I looked over at the clock above the TV and saw it was almost eight p.m. How the hell did I sleep for so long? Why didn't anyone wake me up?

Deciding to have some fun, I silently padded over to the kitchen and stood behind them, them still being oblivious of my presence.

"What're you lot giggling about?" I said loud enough to scare the living daylights out of them.

They both screamed and jumped in their position. And since I was standing behind Lux's body, her head collided with my lips, smashing them between her skull and my teeth, making me groan as I felt my lower lip split in half.

"Bloody fu-"

"Harry! Language!" Violet screeched, jumping up to cover my mouth with her hand.

I groaned again, the stinging feeling getting worse from her hands.

She looked at me confused and pulled her hand back. Her eyes widened almost as big as tennis balls when she saw her palm covered in blood.

"Oh fu-" I raised my eyebrow at her and gave her an amused smile. But she recovered.

"-udge! Harry, you're bleeding! Oh my god oh my god!" She panicked and ran to the bathroom.

I could feel the warm liquid sliding down my chin. My instincts kicked in and I hurriedly turned off the stove, picked Lux up from the counter and set her down before she fell over. She looked like she was about to breakdown any minute now.

"Ha-Hally, I'm so sorry! I promise I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you so much! I-I promise I would never hurt you. You're my best friend and I w-would never ever ever hurt you! I'm so sorry!" Lux became a blubbering, crying, sobbing mess in front of me. Her tears falling like Niagra Falls.

I wiped the back of my hand on my chin so I wouldn't make a mess on the kitchen floor and kneeled down in front of her, my lip started to throb now.

"Aww baby it's not your fault. I was the one who scared you. I still love you and you're always going to be my best friend." I smiled at her softly, trying not to stretch them so much. "It just looks bad, it doesn't even hurt all that much." Lies. It's fucking killing me.

She nodded softly and kissed my cheek. And right at that moment, Violet came running back in the kitchen with a first aid kit in her hands and a frantic look on her face. She dragged me by my forearm and planted my butt on the kitchen chair. By now, I had a few drops of blood on my shirt. Damnit, I loved this shirt.

"Lux, baby, can you go in the living room for a bit? You can watch the telly." Violet looked at her seriously and Lux nodded without objection, padding over to the TV.

Violet took a clean cloth and dampened it a little bit from the sink, bringing it to my lips with a grimace. She started to rub around my cut, wiping the dry blood off and then softly dabbing the cut. I winced at the contact and she panicked.

"Oh shit! Oh my god here!" She screeched, handing me the cloth. "Do it yourself so it doesn't hurt." She said with wide eyes.

I shook my head. "No, you do it for me. I can't even see my lips without a mirror. And I know if it's up to me, I would rather not clean it 'cause I'm a slob." I said looking at her and giving her my best puppy dog eyes and an exaggerated pout. Which in turn only made my cut worse and a little more blood oozed out.

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