(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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two weeks later


chy and the boys havent talked to eachother since the incident. they were disappointed because they've always had a "family over everything" pact. knowing that chy kept josiah away from the boys hurt them because they felt like she was embarrassed of them. on the other hand her and josiah have gotten closer and started the talking stage and surprisingly they're doing good and happy.

mattia on the other hand hasn't been doing the best. he's been hooking up with random girls trying to get his mind off of chyna. you could somewhat say she was his safe place. when he's with her or around her a sense of calmness runs over him and he feels like a normal teenager. though he did tell his mother and family that she moved away for a scholarship opportunity so they wouldn't question what was going on between the two.


mattia's pov

another day in hell woo fucking hoo. it's only wednesday but i'm over it. today ale is picking me up early for what reason i don't know.





[time skip]

third period was always my fav bc chyna and i sat next to each other. we don't anymore ofc so now i sit by robert and her little pet sits in my place. though i never paid attention in this class so i lean my seat back and go on my phone.

"hmmm mr.polibio would you like to solve the equation?"
the teacher asks

"on some real shit no. BUT my friend can"
i shine my phone up to the board so photomath can solve the equation.

"that's unacceptable behavior sir detention for disruption and cheating"

"you're a fucking hypocrite"


"now why are you yelling issac"

"that's professor to you"

"bro can you just give me the fucking slip and we can move on with our lives"
i say getting tired

he hands me the slip and i leave class to roam the halls.

[time skip]

it's after school detention now and guess who i'm stuck in here with... FUCKING CHYNA. i don't know what she did quite frankly i don't give a damn but it's me her and couple other kids like seven of us in total.

i'm not worried about her at all and i'm past the situation. she ain't shit and i see that now lol. TIME TO REACTIVATE MY TRUST ISSUES🗣🗣🗣. i get pulled out my thoughts when somebody taps on my shoulder.

"monday was fun"
some bitch winked

"imma keep it a buck girl i don't even remember your name and stop winking you look weird"
i said

"ugh you're such a douche"
mattia's fling says

"you've got that right."
chy mumbled

"hey chyna girl how you and your little pet jojo been girl we miss you girl you were so loyal and trustworthy to all of us girl"
i sarcastically smile

"it's josiah to you you're so annoying"

"eh idgaf about neither one of y'all both can suck my balls on soft you-"

i snap my fingers at this one girl i don't even know who

she tried to act innocent when girl i know you a freak 🗣🗣

"wanna fuck?"
i asked

"of course"

"let's go"

i grab her hand and we went to the bathroom it wasn't that good honestly 4/10 wouldn't do it again tried giving me hickies like BITCH IM TICKILISH😜

chynas pov:

he's so insensitive and disrespectful and UGH he makes me so mad. you know what also makes me mad? is that i feel BAD about this whole situation i know i'm in the wrong and i realize that now but there's no point of settling shit.

i've been w and around mattia long enough to see that once you fuck him over (which i kinda did....) he doesn't give a fuck about you or have any respect for you.

josiah and i are doing great and he treats me well but all i can think about at night is mattia. how i was always with him and he was always with me. how safe i felt when i was around him. he was just so ugh i cant put it in to words what he made me feel. made. past tense. i feel something stronger for someone else.

i don't even hate mattia or the boys i could never. i just act like it because my pride is too big and theirs? ten times worse. i got detention in 6th period because it's my 3rd tardy to that class.

while i was in detention i was planning on apologizing to everybody and brushing this under the rug. but the way i see him treat these girls like they're just quick fucks and nothing else just makes me sick. i dont ever wanna be treated that way by a man. let alone mattia's ass. HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HER NAME?!?!?! YOUR DICK WAS LITERALLY IN HER.

speaking of which i cant forget about that night he almost took my virginity. i was ready too don't get me wrong but at the same i just panicked and was overwhelmed i got scared and opted out. he was okay with it surprisingly. i thought he would mad.

tbc i'm tired denna mf

i'll finish tomorrow lol

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