(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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receive message from '@/mp2trappy@icloud.com'

baby </3

excuse me?? who the fuck is this i have a boyfriend you nigward.

use your thinking cap! hint: you blocked me!!


hey sexy ma😩

boy what the hell do you want.

baby<3 *mac*

you are on TIMEOUT. goodBYE.

baby<3 *mac*

im not letting you in i'm going back to sleep

baby<3 *mac*
climbing out the window be there in a bit shawty😋

it's FOUR AM

i cant stand you


third person pov:

15 minuets later mattia knocks at chynas room window. mind you, she lives in the attic which is kinda ironic because he lives in the basement. mattia struggling to keep his balance waits for chy to come and open her window to let him in.

"i told you i'm not letting you in"

"baby please i'm gonna fall out of the fucking tree"


"and it's mad brick outside"
he shivered

"i don't know what you want me to do"
she eyerolled

"my hands are sweating and i have multiple splinters PLEASE LET ME IN"

"welp thats too motherfucking bad"

the thunder started to rumble and it started to rain cats and dogs. follow that, mattia falls out of the and lands on his back. pretty sure he broke something he let a loud painful scream. kinda like bloody murder. at this point he wanted to give up but he's not letting his relationship go down the drain bc of her stubbornness.

"i cant break in and i'm fucking blocked so i cant text her. what the fuck am i gonna do"
he said to himself

"you have FIVE minutes boy"
she opened the back door

"can you help me up? i think i broke my foot or something"
he pleads

"you're asking for too much"

"chyna georges help me up. now."

"sir yes sir"
she uses sarcasm

"i cant stand you"
he limps

[time skip]

mattia's pov:

"so why am i in trouble?"
i ask


i clap my hands in sarcasm

"if you would shut up and listen to me"

"I DIDNT EVEN- you're stressing me out. please tell me what i did so i can go home and get my foot checked out"
i huff

"your spam"
she said

"my spam? wtf does my spam- so you're telling me. i snuck out FELL OUT OF A TREE AND POTENTIALLY BROKE MY FOOT bc of my spam??!?! ARE YOU SHITTEN ME?!?"

at this point i'm heated. i don't know what she's talking about and i don't care to know either. i get my phone out to check my spam and there's nothing bad on it. i don't want to tell her she's overreacting bc you NEVER EVER EVER tell a woman they're overreacting but that's what it looks like she's doing.

"one. nobody told you to come over here"
she spits

"well sorry me for trying to FIX MY RELATIONSHIP"

she threw a charger at me

"the fuck no i di- OH."

so THIS is why she's mad. okay here's what we're gonna do. listen and let her lecture me and prove her point. THEN after doing so we're gonna apologize because chyna is always right. lastly peace and love i've got my girlfriend back mattia is out of trouble boom bow i'm unblocked.

"as i was saying"

i say

"if you would shut the fuck up and stop interrupting me i would"

i put my hand over my heart

"you told everybody that we had sex and i don't know it's j like what? was that some kind of fucking reward for you. it's j made me uncomfortable how quick you were to post that on your spam w/o my permission i understand it's your spam so what you want but it's my sex life too and certain things i would like to keep private between me and my boyfriend and veon of course but that's beside the point"
she explained

MATTIA YOU FUCK UP. bruh that was so inconsiderate of me. she's so right too. even though we're together we're still completely different people and certain shit i'm okay w she's not. hell WE COMPLETE OPPOSITES. i feel like such a shit boyfriend bc i wasn't thinking of her or how she would feel.

she snaps

"yea yea sorry i was thinking. but i understand now and i'll take down the post. we're in a relationship and my sex life is well- kinda yours so certain boundaries should be set and i shouldn't be careless ab what i post. yea it's my spam and the account is private but people are weird and shit gets out. i'm sorry ma i would never disrespect you or hurt you intentionally i promise i'll be more considerate i'll do better i swear"
i kiss her forehead

"it's okay just use your head for more than a hat rack"
she jokes

"enough w the dad jokes PLEASE. they are NOT funny"

"you're gonna laugh one day also you're staying over"

"are you holding me hostage?"
i raise an eyebrow

"shole is now ill take you to the hospital in the morning in going to bed"

"you know my leg is fine right"
i say




"don't worry about me imma thug"
i smile

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