(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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chynas pov:

yesterday i had babysat for the polibios' it was nice and i'd do it again just maybe w/o mattia being there. there's nothing wrong w him he's just so intimidating.

right now i'm omw to go get my three best friends robert, alejandro and kairi. kairi and i met in 7th grade while alejandro and i met in 8th and robert in 5th. they've always been my only friends because they're the only people i'm comfortable with.

"back to hell we go"
robert complains

"ugh i hate mondays"
kai agrees

"shit i don't it's a lovely morning let's get a lil positivity going shall we?"
i try and cheer them up

"well ms.thang you're pretty happy wassup with you?"
alejandro asked

"well have you know ms.thang got paid mhm yes she did"

"how much did you make?"

"nunya mr.consentino"

"shit it better be enough to get iced coffee bc i didn't eat this morning and i know y'all didn't either"
robert announced

"not you reading me- anyways yea chy um let's get coffee right now"
kairi said

"i hate men but fine. just know i'm doing this for ME y'all are just add ons"

"yea yea"

third person pov

the four arrived to school missing the first period. they made their way to their lockers put their things away and separated. chyna and kairi had their second period together. they made their way in class and sat down.

"good morning class i hope everyone had a good weekend as i did so. today we have a new returning student welcome back mattia polibio!"

chynas hand flew to her mouth. while kairis jaw dropped.

kairi yelled

mattia's eyes widen

the boys ran to eachother and gave a big hug.


"damn right"

"excuse me boys youre interrupting class"
the teacher said

"i'm sorry well sit down"
kairi said

the boys went back to kairis seat while mattia sat next to them. chyna tried to avoid as much contact as possible but she just had to sneeze.

"bless you shawty"

"thank you kai"

"mhm but chy this is mattia we go way back"

"oh that's nice mhm"

chyna tried her best to not make eye contact nor even look at mattia. she didn't know why she wanted to avoid him it just felt like the right thing to do but somehow she turned around and was faced with him.

"oh i know you you're the babysitter from yesterday"
mattia pointed out

"wait you babysat his family"
kai said

"yea his parents when on a date or some"

"and why couldn't mattia just baby sit luca"

"they don't trust me every since CCY"

"oh shit i forgot so they really hired you a babysitter what the fuck"

"i know shits stupid but chynas cool lowkey"

"thanks i guess"

"yea no problem"

"so where's robbie and ale"

"you know them too?"
chyna asked

"yea they've been my best friends since 4th grade i got sent to juvie freshman year got out during this summer in july"
he told her

[time skip]

"ugh if i see another bitch drool over you i'm gonna barf"
kairi stick his finger in his mouth and pretends to barf

"deadass tho half of these mfs don't even know your name"
chy rolled her eyes

"well look who broke their shell and started talking to me"
mattia nudges her

"oh shut up"

robert and ale say running up to the 6'3 boy


all four of the boys group hug and head to next period.

"robert how tall are you now"
mattia asked

"5'11 you?"


"you kai?"

"see i've been waiting for you to ask i grew two inches mhm mf i'm 5'6 now"
kairi and mattia dap eachother up

"still short but progress was made"

"we- just congratulate me and move on dammit"

"anyways ale you"

"still 5'8 but my dick grew"

"um that's fucking gross"
chyna gags

"wanna gag on it too?"

"still a hoe i see"
mattia shakes his head

"no mattia you don't understand he hasn't and won't stop flirting w me"

"no she just won't let me caress her with my physique"

"bro this is my first day back but i think she just wants to be friends"
mattia laughs

"no she's made that very clear he's just mad that she plays hard to get"
robert says and kairi agrees

"pretty much"
chyna says

"ight well i'm gonna dip um chyna you sitting tonight?"
robbie asked

"no why"

"throwing mattia a welcome home party and you're gonna be there no matter what"

"please mattia doesn't even wa-"

"don't speak for me. you're going and i do want you there"


"exactly i'll text you"
mattia smirks and walks away with robert

this was just a filler lol•

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