(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

443 7 27

twenty three!

third person pov:

chyna was on her way to mattia's house per usual. she gave up on trynna take him on an extravagant date but instead do something for his birthday which was in a couple of weeks. recently mattia brung her this extreme gift basket bc she was in a mood. she wants to do the same for him but she didn't know how to get the box into the house.

outgoing call to 'my boy💟'

"hey ma wassup"

"where you at"
she asked impatiently

"i- i'm chillin w my side hoe"

"mattia you're gonna drive me insane. stop fucking playing w me like i won't shoot you"
she threatened

"baby i would never. i'm w bryce and nico. y'all say hi"

"hey you psyco"
nico said

"why you callin my man phone w yo nigger ass"

mattia and nico both gasp and panic

"bryce you can shut yo half breed ass up you fucking mutt"

"i'm gonna hang up"
mattia says standing holding his phone in the middle of their bickering

"ANYWAYS. i'm gonna run a couple errands and then i'll be on my way to your house. how long will you be out"

"well we're on our way to get sushi and shit but yk i have no schedule. what kind of errands you gotta run"
mattia says

"well take tito to petsmart..."

"no. stop spoiling him chyna."

"nigga! he's MY child and i'm already on my way to your house lucas gonna let me in"

"he's a cat HELLO?! and he's literally MY PET."

"your pet my child. anyways stay safe kisses bye bye"
she makes a kissing noise before quickly hanging up so mattia doesn't lecture her more

[time skip]

chys pov:

i got everything i needed now here's the hard part. getting him home. mattia's time management is fucking gross. and by gross i mean horrible. and by horrible i mean his time management is nonexistent bc he's never on time and he never leaves on time.

it's currently 7 pm. when i talked to him it was like 4:45. IT DOESNT TAKE THAT LONG TO GET SUSHI. i miss my baby :( i can't believe he's mine. ugh gross feelings. sometimes i really do sit and think about how much i genuinely care for this boy. ykw. i'm not doing this lovey dovey shit.


outgoing message to 'my boy💟'

bring yo nigga ass home.

my boy💟

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now