(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

519 3 36


smut bc i'm horny😐

third person pov:

it's around three am and chy is awaken from her sleep when she had a wet dream. she's not as sexually experienced as her boyfriend so she doesn't know what to do. her and mattia have a strong relationship to the point sex really isn't a common thing. they already satisfy each other.

she poked

"hey wake up"

"mattia polibio"
she slaps his face

"yo yo yo i'm up i'm up what the fuck"
he groans

"i had a dream"

"okay martin luther king fuck do want me to do about it"
he rubs his eyes

"watch your mouth white boy"

"i prefer the term italian but okay continue"

"i had one of those dreams ... if you catch what i'm throwing"
her thumbs twiddling

"chyna did you have a wet dream?"


"are you horny and wanna recreate"


"then what you waiting on girl tell me what happened"


"excuse me? how are we supposed to-
nvm just come here"

he grabs her by her waist and places her on his lap. after doing so he asks for her consent and she verbally approves. they start to make out mattia obviously winning dominance. he unclips her bra with one hand and with the other squeezes her thigh.

they switch positions and now chyna is laying on her back both of them being topless. mattia take a good 45 seconds admiring her upper half mainly her nipple piercings. inserting her left boob into his mouth, mattia creates magic with his tongue causing chy to whimper.


"you like that"
he asks

*rapid head nod*

"use your words when i'm talking to you"

"yes mattia i like it"

he trailed kisses down her skin until he met her waistline. he looked at her for reassurance and he got it. he was going to play w her through her underwear to get her going. but there was no need bc he saw that she was soaked

"mattia there's no need for that i'm already wet just please do something"
she eagerly whined

"i'm in charge dont rush me"
he placed his thumb on her clothes clit

she replied to the satisfaction

"hmmm i'm thinking skip foreplay"
mattia grins

"why would you do that"
chy wimping at lost contact

"because i can i'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before"
he talked

mattia grabs chys underwear tearing them off her body. he removes his clothing as well and placed chys legs on his shoulders. mattia wanted to slut her out as punishment to walking him up. but this would be their second time having sex and he doesn't want to move to fast.

"we need a safeword"

"safeword? for what? i consented to everything"

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