(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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chynas pov:

today i had a babysitting gig for the polibio's. i was currently getting ready but i didn't know what to wear.

•y'all don't understand how hard it was to find a decent outfit•

assuming that i was gonna be there for a while i went for something simple but, stylish yk? but, that didn't end up working out so i went w my 999 hoodie and some black biker shorts.

•stan juice wrld m*ttia doesn't like him so fuck him :)•

[time skip]

i'm on my way to their house and i notice it's not really far from mine, about a 20 minute drive with traffic. i finally park made sure i look presentable, fixed my hoodie and pulled down my shorts.

i open the door and there was mrs.polibio greeting me, she looked so pretty and reminded me of my mom. so kindhearted and openminded.

"hi chyna thank you for coming this evening!" mrs.polibio greeted me

"hi thank you so much for having me you look gorgeous oh my stars"
i complimented her

"oh stop this old thing?"
she joked as she did a 360

mr.polibio announced

the first boy who looked ab 11 came down the stairs. he had a nintendo switch in his hand.

"hi i'm gianluca you can call me luca though, you're chyna right?"

"yea i am nice to meet you luca"

"luca wheres your brother"
his mom placed her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose

"i think he's in his room i'm not sure"

his dad yelled

**no answer**

his mom yelled

**no answer**

"i'm so sorry for my son this is so embarrassing" mr.polibio said

"hey it's no biggie"
i reassured

"i can go get him maybe he just can't hear us"
gianluca suggested

"i hope so because if he snuck out again so help me god"
his mom replied

third person pov:

"got him!"
luca said from the basement

"gracias amor your brothers gonna make us late" mirna says

"um how old is mattia?"
chyna questions

"17 he would be babysitting me but he went to juvie so my parents don't trust him and-"
luca was interrupted

"yo shit talker shut up yea?"
mattia stood in the doorway

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