(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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third person pov:

the group of five met up at bryces house TWO DAYS before check in. veon and robert drove together while chy picked up mattia.

"how's everybody this morning"
bryces mom asks

"well it's 4am and we have a 28 hour drive in two cars so great"
sarcasm laced roberts morning voice

"well whos idea was it to drive anyway?"

*the group death stares chy*

"i vowed to never get on a plane"
she crossed her arms

mattia says

"juice wrld of course"

"why am i not surprised"
he groans

"v you good mf- ow!"
bryce says

"watch your mouth bastard"

"dad you literally ju-"

"no i'm not just lemme sulk i'll tell y'all eventually"
she half smiles

send message to 'sis🤞🏽❣️'

yo you think they broke up?

hell hopefully not over that petty shit

she'll obviously tell you but i'm taking your car right?

yes pls be careful with my DAUGHTER

i'll ram that bitch into a ditch. try me🥰🥰

"well y'all aren't leaving until you eat so come on to the table i'll have kenan (idk bryces parents names) load the cars up"

"who's riding w who so i know where to put the stuff"
his dad asks

"boys are riding w boys but their going in my car unfortunately"
she sighs

"don't worry we won't let mattia drive"
robert joked

"uh un don't do me- what's wrong w my driving?!"

"you literally don't know what a speed limit is"
veon states

"oh stfu and go back to sulking"

"MATTIA *hits back of his head"

"too harsh?"

"yes now apologize"
chy says

"oh how sorryful i am dearest veon please darling oh please have mercy on my sinister ways"
he says in a british accent as he bear hugs her


[time skip]

"bryce i'm not fucking playing if i see ONE scratch on river so help me god i'll kill you"
i threatened him

"you wouldn't have to worry about you car is we just TOOK A FUCKING FLIGHT"


"why are we yelling at 5 in the fucking morning"
v asks

"same reason why robs over there smoking a cig"

"y'all done stressed him out knowing he don't smoke cigarettes often"
mattia says

"can we go now we've got 28 hours ahead of us"
robby says

"yep every seven hours we'll meet at a rest stop get gas and shit then switch through drivers"

"aii aii captain"
they say in unison

"oh please"

"say cheese for the spam bitches"
veon says

"werent you just sad?"
robert says

"right bitch was in her BAG"
mattia adds

"yea still kinda pissed at kai. it's like he doesn't know how to take up for himself. he's 17 and 5'4 he has to learn how to fend for himself. he's so insecure and seeks validation like yes i understand you've been cheated on 3 times but that's bc they're white trash. (i love me some em and celia so stfu it's j a story)"

"rant time w vv everybody get comfortable"
bryce jokes

*veon death stares*

"but it's like i wish he saw himself like i see him. and he has this built up wall that's preventing me in. i just want kairi to be comfortable w me. i'm his girlfriend i care about him. if i didn't i would've never looked his way. but i do and i want him to see that not everybody is against him. and scene"

"this bitch said some and scene i'm done"
chy laughs

"nah but i see it too. i know kai and it's like when he's around ale all his morals go out the door and he's like this puppet."
robert states

"shit i don't know why ale ain't hittin on shit"
mattia shrugs

"deadass tho nigga a whole ass pussy. all that mussel but cant pull up on a nigga and fight"
bryce adds

"right we'll do his ass bro bro"

*mattia and bryce dap up*


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credits to mama hannah #coloradotakeoverbitch


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