(𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞) 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

667 11 7


third person pov:

it was around 1:45 am and mattia and bryce are on their way to the house about two blocks away from bryces place. it took about twenty minutes to get there and once they did it was crazy.

there was people outside partying, drinks all over the ground and like three couples making out in the bushes.

"you ready bro?"
bryce says

"yea the others are inside right?"

"yep lemme text them and see where they are"

"did chy come?"
mattia asks

"no she was supposed to but had to sit"

"sucks to be her"


open chat with '"takes a village to raise mattia"

we're on our way inside

daddy kai😍
remember the plan

papi ale🥰
don't you think we're overdoing it? who knows if she's gonna be here in the first place

sexy rob😘
yea but we could never be to careful

ight see y'all inside


"yea they're in the garage"

"bet i thought they weren't here"

"no they just didn't have their ringers on so it took a bit"
bryce lies

"okay let's go"

"yea the garage is this way"

"idiot i can see the big ass garage door"

"oh eat shit"
he nudged mattia

[time skip]

mattia's pov:

i'm so crossfaded right now i don't know what i'm doing. i stumbled out of the garage without the others noticing. i still some have control of my body but i can barley fucking speak not to mention i'm really fucking horny.

i'm sitting at the bar pouring my self another shot. in my peripheral vision i see a girl walk towards me. i turn around and it's jenna. i dropped my drink and froze. i didn't know what to do.

"well hey to you too"
she says as she pulls me into a hug

it took a quick second but i did eventually hug her back. a rush of serotonin came over me (at least that's what i thought it was) i hugged her tight gently lifting her off the ground.

"i missed you so much"
i said to her releasing the hug

"i missed you too, wanna catch up?"
she asks

"yea let's find a room"

[time skip]

third person pov:

"that took a turn"
jenna says

"eh i liked it"
mattia chuckled

crazy how the two exes went from catching up lost time to having makeup sex. they laid on the bed still catching their breath,soon enough the two got their things together and headed out. before mattia could open the door it was opened for them.




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