do you think my dream helped?

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(Where we left off)

"What's wrong with you!" Naru yelled I looked at him angrly "Its you! I saw you and masako Kissing!"


"What?" Naru looked surprised. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.. Just like the day he left me my heart is broken. I know he just got back and i promised my self i would never fall for him again.. I just cant help it.. "Y-you were kissing her while i walked in and i know it is none of my buisness." He looked at me with sympathy. "Mia, you jump to conclusions to much.." he said mummbling. "What do you mean! It was obvious you were both kissing! I dont know why, but I fell for you again and it hurts to know that you dont feel the same! I want you to understand that everytime I am around you My heart gets broken!" i was yelling at him in anger now and my powers were all going up in flames inside my body. I was just ready to get rid of it all around me. My body started to get lighter, but my eyes were glued to him i was so angry. "You hurt me all the time and i dont understand why you dont see that. That is why i hated that you came back..! I finnaly got over you. and you decided to come back at the worst of times!." My voice became deep an dark almost the same as Naru's when i was at the club getting attacked. When i couldnt control my powers they were getting to strong. All the lightbulbs started to explode. Things flying off the walls desk getting pushed up against the wall dark light started to surround half of my body and a white light was doing the rest. Naru just stood there looking at me almost sad. " Your powers are stronger then you can handle arn't they.." he said. I looked at him "You just want to destroy everything around you dont you. You have so much pain and anger trapped inside of you. And i cause some of it and i feel horribal. You see, I know how you feel.." He looked down at the floor. "I went through the same thing when i lost Gene.. I blamed it on others when i should'nt have. I just could'nt understand why he left me here.. Here on this planet, Here where i have no one. Yes, i have my parents, but they probably dont care. They always favored Gene. So, Mia yes i understand how you feel and i have been beating my self up about it ever since you saw me at the club, and i saw all the hurt in your eyes." I look at him and i drop to my knees and collapse. He walks over to me and crouches next to me and rubbed my back and sat there beside me while i cried. I felt guilty for making him feel that way. "Mia, i was'nt kissing Masako on purpose she kissed me. She came in asking if i could look in here eye because it was hurting her, so i did and she pushed me towords the couch and started kissing me and i tried pushing her off, but i didnt work and i heard the door open and i couldnt turn my head to look and see who it was i was to busy trying to get her off of me.." He says beside me. I nod "You are right i am sorry. Can you help me up I am to exhasted from holding all of my powers in.." i say a little embarssed remembering i admitted that i still have feelings for him. "Sure.." He crouches down and i look at him questionably. "Get on my back it would be more confortable for you.." He says. I blush and get on his back and i wrap my legs around his waist and wrap my arms around his neck, not to tight enough to choke him though. "Oh and my Mia you are staying in the same room as me.." Naru says. I nod sleepily. i was really tired. i lay my head down on his back while he was walking back to base. And i fell asleep.

I wake up with a hand around my mouth and someone holding me down. I tried screaming, but it was to muffled to be able to be heard. Something picks me up and starts dragging me towords the door by my hair. I struggle to get out of the things grasp, but it was to strong. I couldnt use my powers eather something was wrong. It drags me out of the room and it looks just like the house that the elderly lady lives in. It walks though a door and it leads to some stairs' This looks like the house, but it looks differnt it has old pictures of a family standing around a camp fire roasting marshmellows. it didnt look fimiluar.. The thing kept dragging me towords a door that wasn't there. He opens it up and drags me down the stairs. I kept trying to get out. I look up at the thing that was dragging me and it was a man. He has reddish brownish hair and he had dark circles under his eyes. He was about the age 36 or 37. He had a dark look in his eyes. "You know Suzy, me being your father I want to protect you." He said when throwing me on a concrete floor down the stairs. I groan and loom back up at him. He turned around and lock the door behind him. He started walking down the stairs slowly and I noticed something of a deep red liquid color all over his shirt. I shake in fear as He gets closer and closer to me. He now stands infront of me. I let out a shriek when be picks me up From the ground with his hands around my neck. He throws me across the room. And I try to get up from the fall, but only to slam back onto the floor by a hand. He grabs my hair and stares at me." Remember darling I am pretecting you from all the bad in the world. Your my little girl and I don't want you getting hurt. So I am going to send you and mommy and me all to heaven so we can all be together. One big happy family." He said with a evil grin. He pulls out a pair of barber scissors and slides them across me neck fast. I felt a sudden relief. I slide out of his hands and I start coughing. I couldn't breath.. I slowly started to close my eyes. And everything went dark.
I woke up in a real bed and I rubbed my eyes and yawned I noticed there was a bed next to me. I stretch me neck a little to see who the person next to me was. I look and see a slightly snoring Naru. 'Damn He is so cute when He sleeps.' I swing me legs over the bed. And walk over to naru. "Naru.. Naru!." I whisper loudly. I try shaking him awake. I hear him groan "what mia.." i hear him say. Hos voice is raspy and deep. I shiver his voice is hot when its like that. "I had another one of my dreams.." i say.

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