Case #2

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 (At a Japan police station near SPR)

The phone was ringing and a woman with short Brown hair and bright green eyes answered the phone. "Hello 911 whats your emergency?" The lady listened to the line on the other end and all the heard was static. 

"H-help U-us.."  A little girl responded on the other end. Her voice was a little deep and raspy. Her breathing was heavy and she was coughing a whole lot. The woman's eyes opened wide and she was staring at the blank screen of a computer. 

"Ok, Little girl we need to know where you live do you know?" The woman was trying to keep her calm. She was so afraid of the girls voice, she was afraid something bad was happening to her. She hears a scream coming from the other end. "Little girl are you still with me!?" The lady was starting to get little droplets of sweat on her forehead and she was shaking. 

"9-918 W-waseda D-dori.." (Which is a actual street name in Japan, Tokyo.) 

"Ok little girl we are sending help on the way.. Please stay with me only the line the whole time before they get there." The woman sent out a police officer to the girl's house. 

(The police officers heading to the address) 

"Group 144 heading to 918 Waseda Dori. Copy that?" The man listens to the other end of the walkie talkie. All he hears is static coming from the other end. He gives up after a few times repeating. And he pulls up to the house. "Man this place looks deserted..."  The building surrounding the house were all beaten down and were dirty. The man look up at the house. It was a two story building that was a white creamy color. The plants around the house were mostly dead or pulled from the ground.. "Jeez these people don't know how to take care of a house." After saying that he hears a loud scream and he runs into the house. "Hello!?" The man turns on his flashlight and was surprised by how much dust was flying around the room from him kicking down the old door. He looks around the house.. "That call must have been a hokes and i am hearing things.."  He decides to investigate any way. He looks at the rickety old steps debating if he should take the risk walk up the steps. He shrugs his shoulders and steps on the old step and it made a squeaking noise. He walks up the wooden steps real careful. He made it to the last step and right when he stepped on it it started braking. He jumped to the top of the stairs right before it fell. "That was close.." He breathed out.. He shined his bright flashlight in-front of him and watched were he was going. He came to a old door with the word Broken written in white paint. He arched a eyebrow and opened the door slowly. The door led to a stairwell down. The man was surprised to see that it was the only door in the house besides the front door. "What.?" He looked around the house once more before going down the stairs that were leading down word. Every time he would step on a new wooden stair it would make a old squeaking noise and dust would fly off the bottom. He got to the bottom of the stairs and there was a medal door with a name tag on the front. 'Patient 524 (Molly)' The man traced the words with his finger tips and looked down at the handle of the door. He grabbed it and opened it really fast. The room was pitch black and his flashlight was flickering. He hit it against his palms of his hands a few times and tried to make it work, but it went out. "Huh?! That weird i just put knew batteries in this.." He shrugged it off and walked inside the dark room. A motion sensed light came on right when he stepped into the room and it shined on a old rusted metal chair.  The was a little girl tied to it with her mouth ducked tapped. The man stared in horror. He looked to the left where the girl was staring at there was a man beside him with a knife twirling it around in his fingers. The girl screamed as he came near the officer with it. The officer quickly reacted pulling out his gun. "Step back or i will have to use force!" The man kept getting closer and closer with the blood stained knife. "Drop the weapon now or i will fire!" The man ignored the officer and kept getting closer and closer. The man finally shot a bullet and it went right through the man, causing him no harm. It fazed right though him and hit the wooden wall. The man kept shooting until he had nothing left. The man was finally pushed up against the wall by the man and he had the knife up close to the officers neck. The man had a evil grin and laughed. You could see the man teeth. They were orange and yellow. Practically rotting out of his head. The man became serious and came close to the officers ear. "You will now pay for your sins.." The girl screamed and kicked trying to get off of the chair she was tied to. The officers eyes grew wide and he was terrified. The man dragged the knife quickly cross the officers neck and the officer started choking and blood oozing out of the mans neck. The man stabbed the officer many more times in the stomach before letting the man finally take his last breath and die on the dirty old floor. The man licked the blood off the knife and turned back to the young girl tied to the chair.

(Mia's POV)

I was doodling in my note pad when i heard the phone ring. I picked it up. "Hello this is Taniyama, Mia speaking how may i help you?" I listened to the other side of the line. 

"Umm yes this is the head of the police force and i would like to come in and tell you about some of my happenings if that is all right with you.." Mia grew excited. She never had someone this important call her.

"Hmm here let me check if we have a opening today.." I check through our schedule. "Ok. Here would 2:52 be alright with you?" 

"Yes, The would be perfectly fine thank you.." He hung up. I was super excited. I got up from my desk and knocked on Naru's door. I heard a annoyed grumble and i opened the door. Naru was at his desk looking through files of old cases. I looked at him questionably, but i shrugged it off. "Naru guess who we just got a call from?" Naru looked up from his file and stared at me. 

"Mia i don't do childish games. I thought you were a adult. I guess i was wrong." I puffed my cheeks in anger. 
"You jerk! I was just trying to lighten the mood... Anyway. We got a call from the Head of the police force.." Naru arched an eye brow. 

"What did he need?" 

"He wanted to speak to us about some paranormal happenings that he has been having. And i scheduled him to be here at 2:52.." Naru seemed to be in deep thought after i told him that. "Naru would you like some tea?" He shook his head yes and i headed to the kitchen. I came back with a steaming cup of tea and handed set it on his desk. He nodded and i headed out from his office and sa at my desk waiting for the chief of police to get here.                                                                                                                                                                           (A few hours Later)

I was tapping my pen on my desk when i heard the bell on our door ding. I look up to see a man in his mid 30's with a police uniform on. I smile and greet him. "You must be Mia.." The man said. I bowed. "And you msut be the chief of police. It's a honor.." The man bowed back. "It's good to meet you to Mia." I smiled and led him to Naru's office. I knocked on his door. "Naru! The chief of police arrived." Naru said come in and i led the man into the office. The man sat down in the seat across from Naru. "Umm would you like some tea sir?" He nodded his head and i went out of the office. I came back with a tray full of tea. I set some tea in front of Naru. And one infron of the officer. I hope he likes the tea.. I say to my self. I sat down beside Naru and Lin sat on the other side. The man took a drink from the tea. "Miss i have to tell you.. You make wonderful tea." I blush a crimson red. "Thank you.." Naru clears his throat. "Sir would you mind telling us what happenings have been happening?" 

"Well for the past 8 years we have been getting a call from the same place, but here is the funny part.. The place has been deserted for 30 years.. The whole entire town is deserted. And every time we send a troop out there they end up dead. We have even set up police cameras on the police officers that go in there, but all we see is the police office freaking out and shooting at nothing saying "Stay back!" or "Drop your weapon!" And all we see is nothing. And right when the officer runs out of bullets we hear him start choking and we would see blood everywhere." I cover my mouth with my hand. "That is horrible..." The man nods. "It's even worse that we have to tell the family that there family member died of a unknown cause.." I stifle a cry and i see Naru look at me from the cornor of my eye. "Ok.. well take the case.. " I turn my head to Naru surprised and the police officer nods. "Thank you sir.." The officer bows and Naru bows back. I lead the officer out of the office and wave good bye to him as he leaves the office.. "Well looks like we have another case cut out for us.." 

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