It's great to be back..

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I wake up once again to my annoying alarm clock. I got up and was about to start my normal morning routine when my phone rang. "Who would be calling me this early in the morning.." I yawn before answering the phone. "Hello?"                                                                                                                                    "Oh! um yes, Is this Mia Taniyama?" I cocked an eyebrow. I didn't recognize the voice.                                "Yes.. It is and may who this be?"  I was now wide awake.                                                                                   "I am Amati Yuma and I am calling, because i believe there may be a spirit in my home.." I am excited, because of the new case, but curious as to how they got my number..  "Ok will you just give me a moment to get a pen and some paper...?"                                                                                                                "Oh! Yes take your time.." I pick up the closest writing tool and I found a receipt on the floor i wrote on the back of it. "Ok tell me your address and phone number and I can set up a appointment for you.." They gave me all the information i needed and thanked them.. "Ok..I will get right back to you as soon as I can and then we can discuss the time for your appointment.." We then said our good byes and I ended the call. I sighed and finally started my normal routine. I walked out my door and got into the elevator to the lobby. I quietly stood in silence thinking about my dream that I had.. 

"Mia!!! Mia!! Run!" I was running down a long hallway. All i could see was a blur. I saw at the end of the hall way that there was a big red door with a giant white rose carved into it. I ran as fast as I could.. I didn't even know what was behind me.. All i heard was a woman screaming my name and telling me to run.. I could hear the sound of my heart beat and my fast breathing. I was about to grab the door knob when I woke up..

It sent chills through my mind just thinking about it.. The elevator dinged and I stepped out. I walked through the lobby and headed out to the front doors. I smiled when i felt the fresh cool air hit my face. I loved the chilly seasons.. They just seem more fresh and clean..  I admired the beautiful sky. It was a pale blue with very few clouds in the sky.. I started walking towards the SPR building I grabbed the receipt out of my pocket with the information that the woman gave to me on the phone. I looked at it "649 Ash street? Never heard of it.." I mumble to my self. I catch a sweet smell from my favorite cafe and i hurriedly walk to it. I didn't eat break fest this morning since the phone call i got caused me to be a little late on schedule.. I walked in and admired the beautiful aroma that filled my nose.. I ordered a cinnamon roll and some coffee to go. The SPR building is only 10 minutes away so i thought it would be fine to get a bit of something to eat and drink. I sipped on the coffee on the way to the building.                                                                                                                                                           I saw that Lin and Naru's cars are parked in the drive way so that means that they are here already. I walked into the building and set my drink and cinnamon roll on my desk. I went into the kitchen and made Naru some tea. I knocked on his door and i hear the normal grunt come from the other side. I walk in and set his Tea and I was about to walk out when I felt some one grab my wrist and pull me back. "Wha-" I look at Naru and all i could see was worry in his eyes. "I-i am sorry i didn't visit you when you where in the hospital.." I look at him surprised. "Umm I-it's ok.." He nods and lets go of my wrist. I walk out blushing.. "What just happned.. Is he having mood swings?" I whisper to my self. I walk back over to my desk and sit down. I lean back a bit in my chair and relax.. I eat my cinniman roll and drink my coffee enjoying the silence.. "Man it's great to be back.." I whisper to my self.. 

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