Memories Of Old SPR

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(Mia's POV)

After that horrific scene, I was heading back to the base. I had so many questions running through my head. Why am I getting hunted by demons? Why did the demon say 'You would know soon enough.' I just don't understand. When I arrived at the base, I was distant. I just didn't want to be around anyone. I went straight to the room I was staying in and took a shower. I felt dirty. I guess I zoned out in my shower because I heard Ayako knock on the door. "Mia, are you ok? You have been in there for a hour.." I snapped back to reality and looked down at my fingers and toes. They were getting pruned from all the water. "Sorry, I zoned out. I'll be out in a second." I heard her moving around, "Mia, I left some clothes on the bed for you. And after you put them on you need to come down for dinner. I made some desert. Your favorite!" She is too kind, "Thank you." I heard her leave. I let out a big sigh, and I turn off the water. I grab a towel and walk out. I look at the clothes she set out for me. It was a white tank top with some black shorts. 'This looks like the stuff I used to wear..' I thought. I shrugged and put them on. I slid on some black flats and blowed dry my hair. My make-up was waterproof, so nothing was wrong with it, so I let it be. My hair was put in a high ponytail. I headed down to the dinner table. I sat at the very end so no one would bother me. I just wanted to be left alone. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice that John was calling my name, "Mia!?" I looked up quickly; everyone looked at me with concerned eyes. "Are you ok? Did something happen?" I looked back down at my plate. I pushed it away from me. "I am not hungry." I got up and walked back to my room. "I'll go talk to her." Ayako set her napkin down on the table. I layed on my bed with my headphones in, I was listening to my mom's favorite song. It was a piano song. It was light and relaxing. Usually not the stuff I listen to, but it was comforting. I pause my music when I hear a light knock on the door. "Mia?" It was Ayako; she opened the door slightly and peeked her head inside. "Is everything ok?" I sat up. She walked in and sat on my bed next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I sighed and told her everything that had happened to me. I even told her the shameful parts. She didn't seem mad at me. She was very concerned about me. After I had told her everything, she comforted me. She said that she was proud of me for seeing through the demon's tricks. "So are you going to tell everyone?" I thought about it.. I didn't want to. "No, well not right now..." Ayako nodded. "Ok, why don't we get back to the dinner table and I give you desert. Everyone looked at me as I walked in. I was back to my usual self again. I am pretty sure everyone let out a sigh of relief.

After desert, Naru and I left to take temperatures. It was a silence that had to be the most awkward silence in man-kind. Every time I look at him I alway think about what happened back at the club, when we met again after like what 3 or 4 years? The questions finally rambled my mind too much I had to speak them out. "Hey, naru.." He looked up at me, "Yes?" He looked back down to check the temperature. "What did you mean.. back at the club when you said that you missed me?" He looked up and he had a questionable look on his face, "What are you talking about..?" I looked at him puzzled and flustered. 'What does he mean, does he not remember?' "You really don't remember?" He shook his head. "I really don't know what you're talking about.." I sighed. 'His powers must've took over him so much that he doesn't even remember what had happened. "Never mind.." I looked back down.

There was about 10 minutes of silence after that until Naru spoke. "Why did you cut yourself?" I turned my head quickly towards him. "What are you talking about?" He looked at me with serious eyes. "You know exactly what I am talking about! Do you want to kill yourself! Are you really that selfish! Did you not think about how everyone else around you would have been affected!?" I had tears in my eyes I looked down to my feet. I mumbled something under my breath. He made a mad sound. He started walking away. "That's right walk away just like all those other times.. Leave me again.. All alone with no one.." He stopped in his tracks. I looked up towards his direction, "You say I am selfish, but you left me. After everything just because you thought it wasn't true.. You thought that I loved someone else, but I know who I loved and I knew my own feelings.. You wouldn't know how I felt after you left.. You broke me.. And now I really don't know how I feel anymore..." His relaxed hands then turned in angered fists. "Leave me alone.. Don't call me selfish when you are the one who did it first... You hypocrite." I brushed past him. I couldn't stand there anymore.

I quickly rushed back to base. I ran straight to my room and slammed the door closed. I heard a light knock on the door. "Go away!" "Aww, you really want me to go away when I just got here," I know that voice.

I quickly got up and ran to the door and yanked it open fast. "Yasu!" I hugged him. "Hey!" He hugged me back and twirled me around. "Yasu, Where have you been?!" He looked down at his feet. "I felt horrible for what I did and I just needed some time to myself. But I figured since I did that, I would get you something.." I smiled, "You really didn't have to.." He held his hand up, "No, no it's my fault now here take it because I lost the receipt so you can't take it back.."He reaches from behind the other side of the door and pulls out a gigantic wrapped box. "Here.." I smile and take it. He comes into my room and closes the door. We both sit on the bed. "What is it?" He smiles, "I don't know open it.."I rip off the paper and look at what was inside. I couldn't believe it. "Yasu, no this is too much I can't take this, I don't deserve it.." He laughs, "You deserve every bit." I give him a warm smile. He turns his head and blushes. I laugh. I pick up the present. It was a new laptop with headphones. "I saw that your headphones and laptop were pretty old and beat up. So I bought you a new one so you can work on your music." I give him a gigantic hug and I kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you!" He blushes even a deeper red and gets up. "You're welcome.." He walks over to the door. "Make sure to give it a try before you go to sleep okay?" I nodded happily. He walked out with a waved and closed the door. I was so excited. To think all the things I could with it. All the music I could make. I turned it on, It was very beautiful and high tech. It was already set up with my name so all I had to do was turn it on. I saw the home screen and I almost died. It was a picture of SPR and I before Naru left for England. I smiled wide. All of a sudden A big mail icon popped in front of me and it said. "You got mail!" I raised an eyebrow. I clicked on it. A big picture of the SPR group popped up. And it had a press play button on it. I clicked on the play button. Some music popped up which made the mood almost like memories. It showed like videos of us when the old SPR was. It showed the old happy me. It showed a lot of our old cases. And behind the scenes tricks that we did on each other. And just a lot of memories popped in my mind. I put my hand over my mouth and cried. It made me so sad and yet happy. I saw so many memories. I even saw Gene in a lot of them. I always saw Gene smiling and laughing. There were a lot of videos with Gene of them. There were so many happy memories back then.. I wish it was like that now...When it ended I had cried so many tears I ran out of them. I felt dehydrated. I smiled and the ending picture of SPR and we were all smiling all besides Naru and Lin. Normal.. I laughed when I saw that Gene, Yasu, Bousan, and I were all making funny faces. Good memories. I shut the computer off and closed my eyes. I wish it was like that now.. I turned off the light and went to bed with a smile on my face.

A/N- Was that a sad chapter. Well, I don't know. I hope that you all liked it! I made it with 2,000 words instead of 1,000 since I understood that you all deserved more since I left you all hanging for a while.. :D More chapters to come! :D Mia would you like to end the chapter..?

Mia- Really I can?!

Yasu- But you said I could do it.. since I wasn't in any of your other chapters besides this one..;-;

A/N- Fine Yasu you can do it.. Sorry Mia you can do the next one..

Mia- Nah it's ok. Yasu deserves to do this one..

Yasu- Why thank you Mia. Don't forget to Comment, vote, and follow for further updates! :D

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