Is This Our Final Goodbye?

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(Mia's POV)

I have been performing more often and more and more people have been rolling in. I was posted on the internet and got millions of views and I was just astounded by how much my life has changed since I have gotten fired. Better things have been happening to me. I mean I love my boyfriend. My band is like my second family and just I actually have more people enjoying my singing. I am just amazed.

Today I was planning on going to see everyone in SPR to drop a surprise visit. It's been 8 months.. I mean I feel horrible for avoiding their calls and their voice messages. It's just I needed to figure my life out at the time.

My boyfriend and I pull up to the building. I turn and look at Chase as he turns off the car. He looks at me and gives me a warm reassuring smile. "Don't worry I am sure they would be glad to see you.." He kisses my forehead and he gets out of the car. I sit in the car for a second just thinking about how they are going to react. Chase comes around and opens the car door for me and I smile and thank him. He grabs my hand and helps me out. He closes the car door behind me but doesn't let go of my hand. We walk into the building and go into the elevator. I started feel anxiety when he pressed the button the office was on. I guess Chase noticed this because he started to rub my back comfortingly. As the elevator dings, I start to shake. I have no idea how they are going to react. I haven't talked to them in moths. I kind of packed up my stuff and disappeared to them. I still holding Chases hand I walk up to the office doors and open them. The door makes the regular sound of the bell as soon as the door opens. As I open it I see a gorgeous woman sitting at the front desk where I used to work. "Hello! Do you have an appointment?" I squeeze Chase's hand as she spoke. I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I guess you could say jealousy. I shook my head. "No, I am sorry. I am just came here to see a few friends. You wouldn't happen to know where any of them are? They work here and I just would like to see them." The lady nods. "Yes, what is there names?" I turn around and look at Chase. He smiled at me with a goofy smile. And I remembered why I am with this guy. He has the goofiest smile and I fell for him the first moment he smiled at me. I turn back around and look at they lady. 'Why would she ask me what their names are? I mean they are like the only people who even work here.' I thought. "John, Yasu, Ayako, and Bousan." She nods. "Yes, they are working a case right now actually two blocks from here. I can give them a message if you would like?" I shake my head. "No, it's fine can you tell me where they are working exactly?" The lady looked at me puzzled. "Umm, the Akamai special dance studio.." I nod my head and thank her. I turned around and Chase and I left. We got into the car and he looked at me and groans. "You have that 'I have a dangerous Idea' look on your face..." I smile at him. "Please! I haven't seen them in 8 months and I really miss them.. They are like family to me Chase.." He sighs.. "Fine.... But at any time I think it gets to dangerous for you. We are leaving.." I nod happily and he starts the car.

~20 minutes later~

"Geez! The traffic was horrible!" I groaned as I get out of the car and stretch. Chase just nods in agreement. We walk into the dance studio and you could see boxes of SPR equipment everywhere. I smile. "They must have left for lunch.. They'll be back soon.. " Chase looks at me. "Well, what do you want to do until they get back?" I smile. "Let's unload the equipment for them. I mean its a lot and I would really like to help.." He seems kind of hesitant. "Okay.. " I grab one of the boxes and start to unload the equipment from it and Chase does another box. We do this for about 30 minutes until we finally got all of the boxes unfilled and all the equipment laid neatly across a long white clean table. We take a seat in chairs that we found in the utility closet of the dance studio and just rest for a bit until we heard the doors open and chatter. I smile and I perk up. I was super excited to see them. The first person to walk through the door was Lin. He had his usual coffee in hand and seemed pretty weird. He didn't seem right. I couldn't put my finger on it. His eyes grew wide when he saw all the equipment laid out all nice and neat on the table. And then his eyes searched and found me and Chase sitting in two chairs. I had my legs crossed and I was smiling wide and waving hi. He was super surprised when he saw me. He almost spits coffee out of his mouth. Everyone else walked in about the same time and saw the equipment and all their eyes met mine. Everyone truly had no words. And then the jerk spoke. "Mia, you were fired. And you have no right to be here. You are infiltrating our case. So if you will please. Leave.." I started to get angry. He had the same stupid looking plain face. "Are you kidding me-" He started to laugh. I looked at Naru puzzled. "You should have seen your face! It was priceless.!" He was pointing and laughing. I shoot him a glare. "What is wrong with you? Are you possessed again?" This time Lin chuckles. "What the heck?" And then I realize something. I smile wide. "Gene!!!! When did you get back?!" I run towards him and give him a hug. "I got back 2 months ago.. And I heard what happened and I am sorry. Naru was being a jerk.." I smile and wave it off. "Its cool. I am just so happy to see you guys!!!" I open my arms wide to get a group hug and that is exactly what I got. But I couldn't breath.. I was suffocating. And after a few minutes Chase clears his throat. This was probably super awkward for him. So I pull away and grab his hand. "Everyone this is Chase, my boyfriend..." Ayako looks at Chase and then to me. "He isn't like that like that last guy is he?" Chase turns and looks at me. "What was the other guy?" His eyes stare into mine and I feel like he can see my soul and it was terrifing.. I laugh awkwardly and scratch the back of my head. "Well-" Ayako decides to interrupt me. "He was a total jerk. But he was drop dead gorgeous..." Bousan comes up behind her. "Not as gorgeous as me though right?" She snickers. "You don't even get to compare to him." Bousan frowns and nods. "My own wife thinks of me that way.." And then the rest of the day went amazingly. I got to spend time with everyone. But I spent more time with Gene. He was gone for so long and I missed him. But the whole time I was thinking of Naru. Man, it was hard for me to not too. But I felt horrible for Chase because everyone was 'testing' him to make sure he was good enough for me. Making him do a stupid task and such. But I had to leave so they can continue their investigation. But after a few days later. I got a call from Gene because I gave him my number and told him to call if there was a emergency and he needs me. And he said that there was a emergency at the office and that I needed to get down there right away. And Chase was at work so I took his car. When I arrived Everything was packed into boxes and everything was getting cleaned out. "Hey, whats going on?" I asked Gene as he walked towards me. He looks at me sadly. Naru and I are moving back to England.. Well more like Naru is forcing me to move back to England. I looked at him shocked. And then I see Naru moving boxes out of his office. I look at Gene and he nods. I walk over to Naru and make him turn around to face me. His emotionless mask turned to a surprised one. And then it turned back. "You were fired what are you doing here?" He said it in a rather rude tone. But I didnt get mad. "I came here to tell you goodbye.. Even though you were such a jerk to me..." He nods. "Well, good bye then." He walks back into his office. I just follow him. "Why are you also so rude all the time? I dont get it.." He just continued on packing his things up. I started to get annoyed. I slammed the door closed and yelled at Gene to lock the door from the outside. And he gladly did sso. Naru started to get annoyed. "Gene open the door and stop being childish." Gene just started to walk away. Naru sighed. "Mia, what do you want?" I just frowned. "I want you to explain to me right now why you are always so rude and hateful to me when I would always be nice and caring to you." Naru got angry, "Why?! Becuse you make me mad. Truly. I dont know how to get you out of my head! Your always just crammed in my mind and I can never get you out! Ive tried many differnt things, but your always there. And I dont understand it! And plus you said everytime you get around me you get hurt. And I be rude so you wouldnt get hurt. So you would stay away from me! And I know that you deserve some one better then me in everyway. So I try to make sure not to get to close to you. So neither of us would get hurt.." After he was done talking I stayed silent. Thinking about all of the stuff that he just said. And I knew exactly what he was trying to say. "I love you too.." He emitonless mask was gone by this point. He was just completly filled with emotion and I could see it in his eyes. He looked at me puzzled. "What?" I just laugh. "You know all those things that you are feeling... That is how I feel about you.. And I love you." He just sa]hakes his head. "No, no no no no no .. I am leaving for England tomorrow and this is not going to convince me to stay.." I frown. "Okay, but I think this might.." I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him towards me. And I kiss him. A small gentle one. And it felt completly right. Even though it was completly wrong in every way. I mean I have a boyfriend that I really care about, but when I kiss him I never feel like this. I felt like I found my place... And when we pull back. He looks at my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I still have to go.. And I have no idea when I will return..." I get angry. "So your just going to leave me again! The same exact way you left me last time!? And there is a big possibility that this could be our last goodbye! You know what.. Ugh! If I could hate you I would, but I can't!" I yell at Gene to unlock the door. And As soon as he does I storm out of the office and slam the door. Gene just stood there surprised. "Man, what happened this time stupid?" Naru turned and glared at his twin brother. "She told me that she loved me, kissed me. And then I told her that I was still going to England and I have no Idea if we would return. And then she got super mad at me and left..." Gene walks over and smacked the back of Naru's head. "Your a idiot..."

And after that I agreed with Gene that I will meet them at the airport. So we could have a finial goodbye. I met up with them at there gate number. And we chatted a bit. Then Gene left to go get something that he so called 'forgot'. Obviously a plan to get me and Naru to talk alone. "Mi-" I put my hand up to his face and I turn away from him. "Save it... I am still upset with you right now." He sighs and pulls my hand and I fall towards him, but he catches me. And kisses me. I could hear Gene's whistling coming behind us. and we pull apart. "Well, I just ruined the moment.. So I am just going to wait on thed bench over there. And the flight is about to leave in 5 minutes.. So Mia, make sure to say good bye to me too you know..." He frowns and leaves. I laugh. And turn back towards Naru, who face is almost as red as a cherry. And I laugh even harder. He just frowns. He doesnt hide his emotions from me anymore. I just smile. "Is this our last goodbye?" Naru started to get serious. "Maybe, I dont know..." I nod sadly and look down at my feet. He sighs and grabs my chin to make me look at him. "Mia, just make sure to be happy with Chase and dont forget to smile." I start to tear up. "Hey, your saying this like your dying." He smiles and lets me go. I give him one last hug, before going to Gene. I say my goodbyes to him. And I watch them leave...

A/N: Wow! That was a long last chapter!!! I am just super excited to finish it. Well this is the ending of the first book! And I hope you all enjoyed this story! I hope you all come back and read the last two books as soon as they come out! :D Well goodbye until then ~Jessie <3 XOXO

This chapter had 2,479 words in it.. XD

The Way You Left Me (GHOST HUNT FAN FIC) Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now