Demon Magic Part 2

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Where we left off: The demon didn't feel like he was getting any weaker. He soon launched John across the room into the wall, knocking him out cold. "John!" Mia screamed. The demon wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tight against my body. He laughed. By now everyone was awake and was standing in front of the demon...

(Mia's POV)

The demon possessing Naru brought me closer and held on to me tighter. He didn't seem like he was going to let me go. Everyone was standing in front of the demon and I was terrified. 'Mia..' I heard a voice in my head. 'Naru?' I heard a chuckle. 'No, it's Gene...' My eyes grew wide. 'H-how..?' I heard a sigh, 'I'm not dead.. I had to make Naru finally open up his eyes and realise his feelings for you. Mia, I could read his thoughts. He loved you, and he still does. Just give him another chance, I promise he won't mess up this time because I'm coming back and making sure he doesn't mess up.' I had tears in my eyes. 'You're not dead? How did you do it?' He chuckled. 'I used my powers to make you all think that you saw me die. I know it's wrong for me to do so, but it was the only way to get Naru to open up his eyes.' I mentally sighed, 'Ok, but when you do come back I am going to have to have a serious conversation with you.' He laughed, 'Ok, but please don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise.' I smiled, 'Ok I won't, but I have to go.. A demon has possessed Naru...' I heard him make a frustrating sound, 'He's getting soft, Mia, you can do your demon or angel form to take him down, don't worry I have a shield around him so you won't hurt his soul, but you may damage his body a little bit.' I smiled, 'Ok, but I'm trusting you...' I winked at the rest of the team signalling them to trust me. They looked at me weird, but they listened and backed away. I felt of charge of electricity take over my body along with a bright light. I changed into my angel form because it is the best way to get rid of demon possession. I chanted a spell, "I for the angel of the light and lord, banish you back to the depth of which you came. And to never return back to this world above you." I held my hand out a streaming light filled the room. Everyone had to shield their eyes. I could hear the demons shrieking in pain. The light had died down and I had felt a rush of exhaustion take over my body. I fell to the ground. My powers had taken all the energy I had left. Naru also lied on the floor. Passed out from the extraction of the demon. I have to say it was a strong one. Finally, my eyes grew heavy and I let the exhaustion take me.

~ 2 weeks later~

(Third Person Veiw)

Ayako was passing back and forth infront of the hospital room that Mia and Naru lied in. Monk (Bousan) came up to her and grabbed her hands. "Ayako there going to be fine... Don't worry..." She scoffed, "How would you know! For all we know they could be stuck like this forever! In a coma and to never wake up! How can I not be worried!?" Everyone else sat in the waiting room. The refused to leave from the hospital until Mia and Naru woke up. Lin everyonce in a while would have to go out and buy food for everyone.. Monk just smiled and laughed, "Becasue Mia and Naru are the most stubborn people I know and I believe in them. You should too. Remeber this has happened many times. The hospital is probably tired of seeing us." She smiled a bit, "Okay, I'll try to stop worrying..." He brung his wife close. "Now you go and worry again I may have to take you away for a while..." Her eyes grew wide and she ran away, "No! Go away!" She said playfully. He laughed and ran after her going back down to the waiting room. Little did they know Mia and Naru were not in a coma, they were just both stuck in there dream scape.

(Mia's POV)

After I passed out. I was in my dream scape. I found my self in a dark room. All there was a was a small lightbulb hanging from a string on the ceiling. The whole room was just plane grey concreit. Everytime the lighbulb would swing the light would move with its shadows. There was no windows only a woodden door. It had a golden handle. I walk over to the door and slowly open it. It revield a long hallway with multipule doors left and right. It reminded me of a maze. I started going door to door to do. But they were all locked. I finally get to a door and I open it. It reveiled a metal chair with a woman tied to it. She had scars all up and down her arms and legs. She had angle wings on her back. Her head was down and her hair covered her face. I walked in quickly and investagated. I tapped on the woman's shoulder, "Hello-?" She flinched and looked up quickly. Her eyes grew wide, "S-snowflake?" I stared at her, "Who are you?" I got up quickly, "And how do you know my name?" She frowned, "You, dont remember me?" I glared at her, "No, who are you?" She smiled, "I'm your mother..." My eyes grew wide, "How are you in my dream scape?" She looked down at the ropes on ther hands and feet. "Oh, thats right." I walked over to her and untied the ropes. She stood up and streatched her arms and legs, I couldnt help but notice how beaten up she is. "Whart happened to you?" She laughed, "One question at a time please.."I nodded, okay. Umm, are you a angle?" She smiled, "Yes, yes I am. And your father was a demon." I nodded slowly, trying to take it all in. "Okay, umm what happened to you exactly?" She frowned she had tears in her eyes, "Your-

A/N: Oh! i'm sorry yet another cliff hanger >:D I got to keep you readers interested dont I? Please dont be mad.

Ayako: I was terrified of bousan o-O please help me... Call help..

Bousan: Dont really she is just joking...

Ayako: I am im just kidding I love bousan.. But anyway I am going to do the outro since Mia and Naru are doing something else and everyone else is doing there own things. So thanks for reading :D Dont forget to vote and comment :D

Bousan: Awe ayako...

A/N: Okay cut the lovey dovey crap you two.. This is Mia's and Naru's story not your gross old people love.. *Shivers* Ugh, just thinking about it makes me grosses me out.

Ayako and Bousan galres at me with red eyes.

A/N: Well, im dead.. Bye :D *Runs away from deadly Ayako and Bousan.*

The Way You Left Me (GHOST HUNT FAN FIC) Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now