Demon Magic

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(Mia's POV)

I woke up and did everything like normal. I headed down for breakfast and I saw Ayako cooking with Bousan. It smelt delicious for whatever they were making. I smiled when I walked in. Ayako turned around and smiled, "Good Morning Mia!" I smiled and waved, "Good morning!" Ayako started to set the table with plates and silverware. "Oh, let me help you with that Ayako..." She passed me the plates and silverware. I started setting the silverware when Naru walked in. His hair was a mess and he looked horrible. It looked like something was eating him up. He seemed very depressed and tired. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I was still upset with him, but I guess it really was my fault. He went and sat down in his normal seat. His head down. I sat down a plate in front of him and left to make him a nice cup of tea that was sure to wake him up. I came back with a nice cup of tea and set it down in front of him. "Hey, Naru! You need to wake up..." I poked his head and he looked up. His eyes looked different, dark and lifeless is the best way I can explain it. He nodded and took the cup of tea and sipped on it. "Naru are you okay?" He nodded. I wasn't convinced. "Naru after breakfast you are going straight back to bed. You are too tired." He looked up he seemed so different. I could almost feel an evil presence coming off of him. "Naru...?" He started laughing. I cocked an eyebrow. "Naru cut it out, your kind of freaking me out..." His laughed turned deeper and more hysterical. "Naru seriously!" Ayako came out of the kitchen because she heard all the racket. "Hey, what's going on in here...?" I was standing there watching Naru laugh almost if he was going crazy. Ayako must have noticed his change in his voice, it kept getting deeper and deeper. "Mia get away from him..." I turned and looked at her, I had tears in my eyes. "Ayako... He is possessed isn't he?" She nodded her head. "Finally! You took forever to notice..." I flinched at the words. "Man, I am going to have so much fun killing you all. Just ripping you all into a million pieces savoring your each scream. And at one point I am going to cut out your vocal cords so no one would be able to hear your screams..." I hear the voices coming from behind me. 'He is standing behind me!' I yell in my head. My eyes grow wide. I can't change into my demon or angel form. I can't take the chance that I might kill him. I feel a hand snake around my back. "Hey Mia, did you know that I can hear everything that he is thinking, and feel everything that he is feeling?" The tears turn into floods in my eyes. "Please, what do you want with me?" He smirks. "Naru, if you can hear me... I am so sorry you shouldn't have to deal with all of this.."

(Naru's POV)

I woke up this morning I felt dizzy and nauseous. I quickly headed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. What the heck..? Why am I so sick?" I washed my face and brushed my teeth afterwards. I looked into the mirror my head started to hurt and my vision started to get blurry. All I remember was that I fell over on to the bathroom floor and everything else was black. I can feel myself getting up and walking. "Dammit! I am possessed! I should have known by the signs! Nausea, dizziness, blurry vision and sickness. How did I not notice." I was trapped in my own mind. I could hear and feel everything, but I couldn't see. In a regular possession, you would be able to see, hear, and feel everything, but this wasn't an ordinary possession. This has to be from a class B demon. This has to be from a demon who has been here for about a 100 years at the least to be this strong. I tried to use my powers, but they aren't strong enough to break the seal it has against me. I could hear myself plop my head down so it seemed like I was sleeping. I could hear Mia's sweet voice, "Hey, Naru! You need to wake up..." I looked up and looked back down. I started thinking frantically. "Mia, you need to get away!! Mia run! Please go somewhere else don't let yourself get hurt!" I heard Mia set something down on the table and and I picked it up and started sipping it. "Naru are you okay?" I could feel myself nod. "Naru right after breakfast you are going straight back to bed. You are too tired..." I could feel myself look up at her and I heard myself start to laugh. "Mia please run away! He is going to hurt you!" I yelled inside my head. "Damn you demon I swear you touch one hair on her head I will personally rip you into a million pieces!" Mia sounded scared, "Naru..." I kept on laughing, "Naru seriously, you're freaking me out!" My laugh deepened and became more menacing, "Naru seriously!" I could hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. "Hey, what's going on in here...?" I could feel Mia just staring at me. I hear Ayako's voice, "Mia, get away from him..." I could hear Mia sniffle, "He is possessed... Isn't he..." Thank god she noticed! "Finally! You took forever to notice..." Dammit! I could just feel her fear... "Man, I am going to have so much fun killing you all. Just ripping you all into a million pieces savoring your each scream. And at one point I am going to cut out your vocal cords so no one would be able to hear your screams..." I walked behind her. "Hey Mia, did you know that I can hear everything that he is thinking, and feel everything that he is feeling?" I slid my arm around her, I could feel her stiffen. Demon I swear! Why doesn't she just change into her demon or angel form? "Please... What do you want from me..." Finally, my powers grown enough power to finally break the seal against my eyes so I could finally see what was happening. he was crying and her eyes were wide. She seemed so terrified. 'Demon stop what do you want!' "Naru if you can hear me... I am so sorry you shouldn't have to deal with this..." My mind grew blank. I was actually panicking. I didn't know what to do... This has to be the first time I had not known what to do. I have never collapsed under pressure like this. She just seems so much to me, I don't want to lose her to...' The demon smiled a wicked smile... Behind me, I started to hear a chant. 'Thank god... John finally got up... Took him long enough. The demon started to scream in pain. Maybe I was mistaking, he probably isn't a class B demon. I am probably just rusty... The scream then turned into a laugh. Everyone was shocked, John kept on saying the chant. The demon didn't feel like he was getting any weaker. He soon launched John across the room into the wall, knocking him out cold. "John!" Mia screamed. The demon wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tight against my body. He laughed. By now everyone was awake and was standing in front of the demon...

 A/N: Sorry did I leave you on a cliff hanger? oops ;.;...

Anyway so how is everyone's life doing...?

Naru: They can't respond to you right now, well not until they write in the comments... Which they should do..

Mia: Naru, why do you have to be so mean? Let the girl be herself... 

A/N: Thank you, Mia, ^3^

Mia: well, I am going to do the ending since you said that I could do it yesterday if you don't mind...

A/N: Ya sure go ahead

Mia: Thanks for reading, Don't forget to Vote and comment down below :D

The Way You Left Me (GHOST HUNT FAN FIC) Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now