Songs Have Meanings.

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Everyone was packing up the supplys that we would need for the case. I looked down at my watch and i noticed it was 9:45 P.M. "Oh Crap! I am going to be late.." 

"Late for what Mia?" I hear some one behind me say i gasp and yelp. It scared me a little. I turn around and noticed Yasu behind me laughing. I hit his shoulder "Jeez don't scare me like that! You could have gave me heart attack!" He rubs his shoulder and makes a pout face "Ow. that hurt.." I roll my eyes. "I am going to be late for my work.." He arches a eyebrow "oh.. ya you wern't there.. I work a t a club and i sing and dance..." I say He raises both eyebrows in surprise. "You.. Sing?" I nod my head confidently. "Well i am just going to have to see this for my self." I smile. He grabs his jacket and puts it on and i do the same. We walk out the door. I guess Ayako noticed that we were leaving since she saw Yasu taking out his keys from his pocket. "Hey where is Mia and Yasu doing?" Ayako says to John and Naru. "I don't know. but i don't like it one bit.." John replies. Naru and Ayako both look at john with a questionable look. "What? Last time i saw that smirk on Yasu was when he was flirting with this girl named Jenna... They dated for a while after that, but he broke up with her because he side she wasn't good enough.." John makes a disgusted look on his face. "What really?" Ayako says surprised. "Yup.." Ayako puts her finger on her lip. "That's it!" John jumps in surprise of her action. She points her finger up. "We could follow them.. " John nodded and Naru just made a weird annoyed sound. "Ok its settled we are following them!" 

Yasu starts the car and on the way there he tells funny jokes and storys. I laugh havn't laughed so hard in my life. We finally arrived and Yasu looked up at the club. "Your really work here..?" I smile "Yeah i mean its just a club nothing special.."  We quickly run in. I run straight to my dressing room and i tell Yasu to go and join the crowd. I started getting dressed when i got a text. 

From: Yasu 

Hey Mia guess what! The whole gang came to watch your show! :D Good Luck!

I sigh. They must have followed me and Yasu. After getting dressed i look at my self in the mirror I was wearing a Navy blue dress with black high heels that wrap around my ankles. I was wearing the locket that my mother gave me and a few black bracelets. I curled my hair, i was surprised it even looked good since i was in a rush. The people start rolling out my piano on stage while i get my make up on. I did my normal make up except i added dark eye shadow. The back stage helpers hooked up the microphone to the piano. I was singing and playing the piano at the same time. Which i was so excited about. I felt like i have more control over my  music when i do it this way. I sat down at the piano and shook my fingers. I relaxed my hands against the ivory keys and get ready to play. "Now here to play her new song 'I Believe' Mia Taniyama!" The curtains pull back and i wait for all the cheers to go down and i start playing my piano. 

I take a deep breath. "I believe if i'd know where i was going, I'd lose my way.."

"I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave.."

"I know that we are not the weight of all our memories.."

"I believe in the things that i am afraid to say.." 

I take a bigger breath. "Hold on..... Hold On......."

I make eye contact with Naru. "I believe in the lost possibilities you can't see.."

"And i believe that the darkness can remind us where light can be.." 

"I know that your heart is still beating, Beating darling...." 

" I believe that you fell so you can land next to me.." 

I start to relax a little when i see people smiling and cheering. 

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