Book 2

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Hey everyone!!! :) 

My second book is out now and if you want to continue this amazing series go check it out. Each chapter is at least 1,050 words to 2,000 words so no short chapters. And I hope you all enjoy it. My updates on that book is running a little slow mostly because wattpad is messing up but its okay. I hope you all enjoy this long series and Dont for get to vote and comment :) 

I will tell you a few sneek peaks about the second book though: 

Mia get capptured by her father and Naru has to go back to Japan to save her... 

But there is something wrong with Naru.. Something he never saw coming. 

Naru and the rest of the SPR team have to work together to get there team mate/ sister back. 

And the SPR group lose a special friend 

What will happen?! 

[See the story the was I forget you and find out :)] 

The Way You Left Me (GHOST HUNT FAN FIC) Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now