This Case..

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(Mia's POV)

I wake up and notice that my face was pressed up against a car window. I sit up straight and wince in pain. 'I must have slept on my neck wrong it hurts really bad.' i rub my eyes and blink a few times. I noticed i am in a car with all leather entirior. I yawn and I rememberd that I was in Naru's car heading to the office ready to talk to the client. I stretch and open the car of the nice entirior and get up while rubbing my neck. i wince when i hit a sensitive spot on my neck , but i get over it quickly. I step out into the sun and squint at how bright it is. I look up at the big building that is infront of me and see that it is the place the SPR is. I smile and walk in the big doors. I smile when I enter the office. It still smells the same. The furniture is back and everything stil looked the same. I smile and knock on Naru's door. I hear a grumble from the other side. I smile big and walk in. "Hello Naru!.." i say joyfully. He looks up at me with his normal cold face"Oh, so you finnaly decided to wake up." I glare at him. "Well, would you like some tea Mr. Grumpy pants." i look at him angrly. He nods. I snicker and walk out into the kitchen. I set the kettle on the stove and start making the tea. I hear a Ding of a bell coming from the front door and i head out to se who it was. I see a elderly woman, she had white curly hair and wrinkles, but she had kind, innocent eyes so i relaxed. "Hello mame are you here for an appointment?" I smile. she nods' This must be the elderly lady Lin was talking about.' "Well, right this way mame." i say smiling again. She nods in aggrement. Il ead her to Naru's office. I knock on his door. "Come in!" i hear from the other end.. I open the door and let the elderly lady come in first. "Thank you dear." i hear her say. I nod. I was about to sit down on one of the couches when the kettle whistled. "Excuse me.. Umm mame would you like some tea?" I ask using my manners. "Yes, that would be greatly appreciated." I nod and walk out of the office and closed the door quietly. I walk over to the kitchen and I make all of the tea's. One for Naru, One for the customer, One for Lin, and one for me. "So mrs.. what is it that is bothering you?" I say as gently as i can. "Well.." she starts. "I have had weird things happening in my house for 3 years now, but this last year is out of control." When she says that she looks down at her leg. There is a hugs lump of cloth there. 'It must be the bandage for her leg that was cut badley.' i think to my self. She looks up and continues. "It has been getting worse and worse. I have been thrown across rooms, been cut and alot more injerys." I nod sadley. "I came hear just as soon as i heard you all were opening again." I smile. "I came here for ergent help, Sr. will you please take my case?" the lady looked at him with begging eyes. Her eyes were also glossed over with tears threating to fall, but she is holding them back. 'She is so scared and troubled.' i thought i felt horribal for the elderly lady. "Ok. Mrs. my team will take it." The lady smiles wide. so wide you could see that she had dimples underneath all those wrinkles. "Oh thank you! You are to kind!" she says greatfully. "Under one condition." Narus says continuing. 'Ugh! what now.?' i thought angry. The elderly lady looks at him straight in the eyes. "Me and my team need 3 rooms if that is not to much for you. 2 bedrooms and a room here we can set up our base." he says with no emotion. The lady nods "That would be no problem, not a problem at all." she smiles widley again. "Ok. We will come tomorrow at 6:00 P.m. Now you may leave, but make sure too leave your phone number and address with my assistant Mia." I smile. I walk out followed with the elder. She walks out to my desk and gives me her number and address as i write it down i cant help, but think about how much Naru has changed from who he used to be. He used to be cold and stubbern. I can see right through his icy mask. He starting to get sloppy with hiding his emotions. Sometimes i think that i am the only one who can see right through his mask


"Mia, Your late." naru slightly yells from his office. I huff and blow a piece of my hair out of my face. I walk in and see Naru with his head in his book. I smile sheeply "sorry i got held up, my washing machine wasnt working right." He looks up from his book "I didnt ask you what happened, stop being so childish and blame other things for your actions." He looks back to his book. My heart started throbbing. 'That hurt me alot.' "Why do you hate me so much?" i mubbled. i didn't mean to say it out load. He looks up from his book and i could see in his eyes a little bit of hurt, but i quickly fades away "Mia, tea please." I was shocked i have never heard him say please before. I nod and quickly walk out. I walk into the kitchen and make the tea. i walk out to find Lin and Mosako talking quietly. I sneek around the cornor and stay quiet holding my breath and listen to what they are talking about. "Do you really think so." i hear masako say "Yes, he has been acting weird and i was hoping that is wasnt true, but it is and i am happy for him." I hear lin say. i hear masako making a angry noise and i listen more intintly. "Why her.. why is it always her.!" i hear her whisper angrily. "Masako i didnt tell you this so you can start you childish jealousy thing, but i am telling you this so you can stay out of his chance of actually finding some one." i hear him scold her. "OK.. fine. i wont flirt with Naru no more." i hear her say sadley. i was shocked a little by hear answer that i accidently knocked over a glass cup and caught it mid air with my powers. I made a sigh of relief a little to loud. I hear masako and Lin jumo a little and i hurrly get up and grab the tray of tea cups and walk out. I have the kettle in my left and and the try of cups in my right. I smile sheeplishy. "Hey Mia.." i hear masako say. I smile and wave. Lin gets up and looks at masako one more time, but it was like some knind of warning glance and went into his office. "Would you like some tea masako?" i ask innocently like i heard none of there conversation. "No thank you i am perfectly fine." i hear her say. I nod and head to Naru's office. I open the door and come in with his tea. He sets his book down and carefully takes the tea. He takes a sip and made some kind of satisfing sound. I hold back a giggle. "You know i dont hate you right.." i hear him say while taking a sip. I look at him and blush. "Really,.? it sure does seem like it though." He looks at me one more time and i couldnt stand it anymore. I grab the kettle and cup and walk out. 'Naru what are you doing to me? Why dose my heart hurt when you scold me?' I breath out once more and walk away.

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