SEVENTEEN| "You're getting old and running out of time,"

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"AIDEN!" I gasp loudly, holding my arms wide open for him.

It's been a week since we came back from London, we said bye to old cranky lady and invited mum to the cafe, so we could just say bye to them together. It was emotional, but at least this time she can get in contact with me, not that I'll remember to even text first...

I notice Aiden sigh as he shakes his head, "well, there goes the peace and quite,"

I pull a face at him, pretending to me offended, "Aiden... I know you missed me. I see those dark circles under eyes and is that tear stains, have you been crying? Aiden!" Walking towards Aiden with my arms up, only for him to continue walking backwards.

"Ava," he warns, narrowing his eyes, with a evil laugh I put my arms back down, only for someone to suddenly shove my shoulder and run past, crashing right into Aiden.

"Aiden! I know you missed us, stop pretending," Rhys laughs, suddenly reaching out and pulling me into the hug.

"Well this was unexpected..." I comment awkwardly, not really sure if I was allowed to hug back, wait... Since when did I care about Aiden's personal space, HA! I hug quickly him back, taking the only chance I'll probably ever get, no matter how much Aiden sighs in annoyance, his hand around my shoulder was saying something else... He definitely missed us.

"Alright, you're not getting payed to hug me, get back to work," Aiden says, pushing us away and walking back to the kitchen.

"Do you think he's walking away so he can cry silently?" I lean into Rhys and whisper.

Rhys turns to be with straight face before he nods, "definitely, he's a softie," he really isn't...

I slap Rhys's shoulder, "Anyways let's get it work!"

Honestly, being back here really feels right, I feel at home and safe again, the uncomfortable feeling I had back in London is completely washed away, or some what.

"Hi, what can-sq-I mean Sir?!" My smile drops as my eyes widen, staring at the man in front of me. Why did I just call him sir...?

"Hello to you to, Ms Dawson," Squidward greets, a polite smile on his face, "I'll take a strong black coffee, please," like father, like son.

I nod with a awkward smile, quickly turning around once I've processed the payment, to prepare his drink. The feeling of his heated stare on my back making me really uncomfortable. It's been a while since I saw Kai's dad and his never come to the cafe so, it's really strange seeing him here, I'm sure there's a motive.

"Here you go, have a nice day," I place the drink in front of him, hoping he doesn't-

"I was hoping we could have a chat," jinxed it.

I quickly shake my head, "unfortunately I-I can't during work hours," yeah that should do-

"Don't worry, Ava, you can take a quick break," I hear the voice of my favourite traitor, the one who takes every chance he gets to betray me from the very start, Aiden goddamn Greek God.

Slowly turning to glare at Aiden, hoping that he will spontaneously combust this very moment but sadly, he doesn't.

"You alright Ava?" Aiden asks, staring at me all innocent like he hadn't just handed me right over to Voldemort.

My eye twitches as I respond, "and here I thought, that you don't pay me to sit around..."

I notice the his lips twitch as he says, "this is an exception, please go ahead, there's customer waiting,"

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