SIXTEEN| "Goodbye, Ava!"

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I was already getting bored and tried of this chapter, the lawyers, the meeting and having to see David's face every other day. Let's just say that date was very much needed, after what Kai dragged me into.

I wanted to be done with this, I don't even want to sue them anymore, I just want my land and go back home. Forget all this.

So I did, I told Kai how I felt and he told me I was stupid... That hurt.

I suggested other ideas until we finally settled on one , the idea was sat right in front of me, the idea was dressed in a clean suit.

"Ava, this is Zaid Rahman, a very trusted lawyer of mine and who's going to from now on represent your case for you," Kai explained, Zaid extending his hand, I copy his move.

"Great," I awkwardly say, siting back down,

Kai explains further, " in regrading the land, since it's already in your name, you can do what you want with it and the money which obviously your family benefited, that what we'll fight to take back,"

Zaid takes over, "after showing the evidence you should definitely be granted that back. You'll need to sign some papers to state that I will be your representative while you fly back home,"

We spent the whole morning organising this mess, making sure everything was signed and things were properly in place so I wouldn't have to physically be here so basically, a lot of legal work.

"Everything's done," I slough, sighing loudly while Kai leans back on the couch, I copy him, "we can finally go home,"

Kai looks down to give me a tired smile before closing his eyes, "yes we can,"

"So what do you wanna do the last day here?" I ask, closing my eyes as well, leaning against Kai, "maybe we should go say bye to cranky old lady, she'll hunt us down if we leave without a goodbye,"

We fell into a peaceful silence, lulling me to sleep, I hadn't even realised I fell asleep went waking up to dimmed room, the blinds were drawn and I was in bed alone.

I looked around confused, searching for Kai, who was nowhere to be seen, turning to the side I find a handwritten note on the table, 'just out for some work, I'll be back soon,"

I'm so glad this note answered all my questions, rolling my eyes I get out of bed and wash up, getting ready, last night here.

I write under Kai's note, coping his note, might as-well make the most of this last night here, maybe I should egg my old house or Henry's.



God this was a bad idea...

"Stop chasing me!" I yell, not stopping to turn around just heading straight down the road, "I li-used to live here!"

"Come back here, you thief!" The one of the security guard yells, I could hear them getting closer.

"I was walking! Did you see me steal anything? NO!" Crying, I continue running faster, my legs burning, this is way past the limit of running I do!

"Then why are you running?" Another shouts back.

"Why are you-ahh!" My running and response gets cut short as I run straight into what seems to be someone's chest, I've been ambushed!

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