TEN| "The Queens waiting!"

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I can't believe I'm doing this again!

Stupid Kai had to go and hurt himself, I only spoke to him briefly on the phone, the doctors said he needed rest and will have to stay at the hospital for a few weeks.

"Oh my god! Kai?! What happened?" I asked, trying to control myself from breaking down again.

"Ava?" He gruffly called, it seemed like he could hardly talk, oh no!, "Ava? Where are you?"

"Kai, I'm on the phone, but- I-" I try to cut the words out, try and be brave but, I'm not.

"I need you here, Ava."

And that's all apparently Ava needed to get that 5 second of bravery on the phone and say on confidentiality "I'm on my way,"

Kai's secretary said that she sorted out my plane tickets and everything else that needed to be done.

Aiden let me get of work, I even asked him if he wanted to tag along for moral support and surprisingly... He said no. But he did let me bring my extra baggage with me.

I turn to Rhys, who was munching on the overpriced snacks we, correction, he brought. I also plan on stealing them the chance I get.

"Thank you once again for coming with me," I say giving him a half smile.

Rhys looks up to meet my smile and pulls me closer, "it's no problem at all," there's a pause before he asks, "where are we going again...?"

I nervously laugh, "Hawaii,"

Rhys mimics my laugh before pushing me a way, "that's not what the ticket says, nor does that laugh,"

I roll my eyes at him, "Rhys you know where we're going... London,"

He gasps, "are we gonna meet the queen?!"

I give him a deadpan look, "honey do I look like a princess,"

"No but you could work there," he suggests, turning back to his snacks.

Gasping offended, I snatch the snacks out of his hands, "just for that, there's are mine now," Rhys huffs in return and holds onto his backpack, so there's more!

"The 4:45pm flight to London Heathrow Airport will now be boarding,"

I gasp loudly and shake my head, speed eating the snacks, no no no no!

"Let's wait till everyone's boarded, there's no point of rushing," I suggest, which luckily Rhys agrees to and we watch as the line slowly ends and my anxiety going up.

"Ava! Let's go!" Rhys stands up, pulling me up with him as soon as the line has ended. He drags us toward the line, while I try my best to put my foot down but let's just say it wasn't working.

He shows the lady our boarding tickets and she leads up to our seat which luckily was only the first cabin and very spaced out.

"Perks of dating a millionaire I guess," Rhys leans down to whisper in my ear while putting out bags on top.

"Billionaire," I correct, slowly getting into my seat, hoping that the window seat will help again. Or was it annoying Kai that helped?

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