EIGHTEEN| "Kai's cute girlfriend,"

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"Ava? Where are we even going?" Kai sighs, intertwining our hands and putting them on his lap.

I roll my eyes at him "I told you! It's. Surprise," I managed to convince Kai to let one of his drivers, drive us to our 'surprise' date.

"But I couldn't just drove," Kai says, narrowing his eyes at me. God, why is he like this...

I slump, shaking my head at him, "if you did, you'd know where we're going and it wouldn't be a surprise, let me just have this, please," Kai probably would've recognised the route or street and done a whole U-turn back home.

Finally he gives up and smiles, "okay, I'm trusting you," oh boy....

Cringing, I decide to quickly throw in, "okay, just to warn you, you probably will not like it..." at least later I can say that I warned him.

Kai continues smiling and kiss my hand, "don't worry, I'm sure I'll love it," hmm apparently you won't.

Kai turns away and looks out the window,  just as Charlie turns into a street, Kai instantly turns to me, oh here we go...

"Ava. Please, tell me this isn't what I think it's is," he says very slowly, turning back to me with a look of betrayal, at least you know how I felt.

I shake my head, "of course not,"

He raises a brow as the car comes to a stop in front of a big mansion, "it isn't?"

I nod, "yeah, you were probably thinking 'oh we're going to drive right past this street," he so wasn't. Before Kai can respond, I take my hand out of his grasp and open the car, getting out.

"Ava," I hear him call, oh no, he sounds angry.

I watch as Kai smoothly gets out the car, his eyes watching me from the other side, "Ava," he calls again, deciding to keep my distance, I stay on my side of the car, the car between us for my own safety.

But just as Kai closes the door, the car pulls away and Kai steps towards me, his eyes stayed narrow and heated, "Ava, what did you sell me out for?" He asks very slowly.

Awkwardly laughing I respond, "mostly for revenge, but I was also promised a good dessert..."

"That's it?" Kai sighs, looking down disappointedly, "Honesty, I'm not even surprised,"

I nod, "I'm glad you didn't put much faith in me..." please never do... I will probably sell you out if someone even promises me a extra scoop of ice cream.

He quickly straightens up and looks up, "well never mind that, we still have time to turn around and leave, let's go," Kai was about to grab my hand just as I notice a figure walking out.

I let him grab my wrist as I let him know just how unlucky he is, "yeah about that... You're a few seconds late,"

Before Kai could turn to me confused his attention is diverted, "Kaison, you're finally here," a tall women says walking out from the house in black heels and a beautiful red tight dress. Wow, she's stunning...

Kai turns to me briefly to sigh and turn back to the women with a neutral look, "Vanessa, I see you're finally back, what's wrong? Bank account gone empty again?" Kai doesn't bother waiting for a response just drags me inside the house, leave behind a stunned and angry Vanessa. Ahh so that's the issue... Me and you both Kai.

Kai takes me to what seems like the living room, where Squidward and Ethan were seated.

"Kai, you're finally here," Squidward greets from the single couch he was sat on.

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