TWENTY II| "Accidentally little smooch..."

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"Kai come on! The shows about to start," I drag, trying to pull Kai along.

Kai chuckles, letting himself be dragged along, "Ava, there's still time, don't worry,"

Rolling my eyes I respond, "I want to be able get a good view,"

I hear him sigh, walking faster to match my pace, we finally reach the crowd, it was already starting to fill up, but luckily we made it before the front row was taken.

Kai slips his arm over my shoulder, while I reach up to intertwine our hands, staring up at the dark night, just waiting for the show to begin.

I feel Kai lean toward me a little, as he speaks in my ear, "You remember when we first came here, before we started dating,"

Yeah of course I do...

With a awkward laugh, I nod, "yep, how can I forget the most embarrassing but also best time of my life. Also, that kid that stalked us,"

Kai laughs, "yeah, I wonder how she found us..." I'm pretty sure she followed us around... Weird kid.

Kai softly bumps the side of his head against mine, "it's also where we shared our first kiss,"

"Yeah... I guess that accidentally little smooch got us this far huh," I smile.

"It definitely speeded up the process, but I would've asked you eventually," I hear him respond, causing my smile to grow as I continued staring ahead, waiting.

After a few moments the show finally starts, colourful and bright lights, light up the sky, while I stare in awe, "it's so pretty,"

Kai seems to hear me and repeats back, "really pretty,"

We stayed until the last fireworks went of, as the crowd slowly parted, walking away, leaving us behind. I turn to Kai, going slightly up to my tiptoes for place a kiss on Kai's cheek, but clearly Kai had other plans, we turns his head towards me, causing my lips to touch his.

I smile through the kiss, parting to say, "I've been to do that," smiling down at me Kai pecks my lips before grabbing my hand, "so have I,"



"Sup Mr tree, remember me?" I waves at the familiar tall bodyguard, who remains expressionless but that soon changes as he takes a good look at my face.

"You!" He points and glares at I, I quickly hide behind Kai, glaring back at him.

For some odd reason, Kai wanted to bring me to work with him today, I thought maybe it's 'bring your partner to work day' but sadly it isn't. And since I'm of work, I thought why not, might as-well annoy Kai at work.

He narrows his eyes, staring between me and Kai, "Sir, is she bothering you, would you like me to escort her out?" He suggests. The last two times I was here, I never saw him, but at last, we meet.

"No thank you John, she's with me," Kai responds, grabbing my take my hand and leading me towards the elevator, while I stick my tongue out as we pass Mr tree.

On our way we pass the receptionist who stands up to greet Kai and gives me a warm smile, Awh she remembers me.

We finally reach Kai's office, his secretary greeting us before we enter, I remember to smile at her so she doesn't think I'm some crazy girlfriend.

Just like the last time I was here, I remember the crazy view Kai had from his office, letting go of his hand I run towards the glass, to admire the view.

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