FOUR| "You're that girl,"

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"Will we really have to look for a another job?" Rhys whispers, leaning down besides me,

Putting a fake smile on, I take my recent customers order and turn around, to prepare the order, "I think so, Aiden hasn't really said anything yet," Maybe he's waiting till the end of the day.

I've never actually been more terrified in my life... Okay that's a lie, there's that one time I had to go on that plane... Never again.

Rhys facing forwards, responds back, "maybe you could-"

"Nope," I simply say, turning around to give the customer their drink, "have a nice day,"

I turn back at Rhys to find him frowning, while wiping the already clean counter, trying to seem busy. If only we worked like this every shift, we wouldn't be so terrified of losing our jobs.

It was a quite day, so it was kinda hard to pretend like we were working, so when I notice Aiden marching towards me with a blank expression, I knew I was doomed.

Looking for something to do, I decid to...

"Ava what are you doing?" Aiden asks, as he approaches me with a confused expression.

"Ava?" Rhys stares down at me, while shaking his head.

"I'm cleaning," I respond, like it was the most obvious answer.

"Why are you cleaning Rhys?" Aiden facepalms, but just giving up, he sighs.

Removing my hands from Rhys's chest, I frown at Aiden, "just making sure everything and everyone is spotless,"

He sighs and rolls his eyes, "you have a delivery."

"A delivery? Since when did we-?" Wrong question, now Aidens gonna think I don't know anything about-

"Special delivery. I'm probably gonna regret this but, both of you can go," he looks pained to say that, like he knew this would only result in a disaster.

"No take backs!" Rhys quickly says, taking his apron off, "so where to?"

"Kaison." Is the only answer we get.



"Do you think they'll let us in?" Rhys asks, as we stood in front of the big building, there was two big scary looking men stood in front of the entrance. I gulp, remembering the last time I came here.

I sigh, "I don't know... What if they call the police on me!" At least this time I won't have to exactly lie about my relationship.

"Our jobs are on the line," Rhys glances down at his watch, "we have 5 minutes before our times up and Aiden decides to make us unemployed. Let's go!"

I let Rhys walk ahead, following closely behind him, I'll just let him handle this.

We pause in front of the two men, holding up the drinks to show, they move out the way a little and we walk up to the front desk. I doubt it's still the same lady.

"Hi, how may I assist you?" Never mind. I peek from behind Rhys to see her smiling at us, waiting for a response.

After staring at her dumbfound, Rhys finally speaks up, "erm, we're here to delivery drinks,"

She nods, "ah yes, I've been informed about you guys. You can just leave the drinks here and I'll have someone take them up," Oh no. I was really hoping to at least see Kai.

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