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Pulling the door open going straight for the barista whose face perks up meeting my eyes as I get closer to his dimpled face. “The usual, Benny.”

“Coming right up beautiful.”

Smirking, he turns to get my order while I look around the shop. People talking animatedly, business men going through the latest stocks newspaper, a presumed college student writing an essay. This is something I can never get bored of; the coffee shop. While my eyes drifts pass everyone, a silhouette picks my interest from across the street looking at me but too quick as a car passes by, I didn’t see it again. Talk of creepy.

Trying to wade my mind off the shadow from earlier, the news tunes out loud enough to get the attention of most persons in the shop whose eyes got trained on the TV, even mine watching the blonde.

“Once again we have lost one of the bright ones to drugs. Here we are at the live witness and coverage from channels 9. As you can see the medical team confirmed him dead hours ago from over dose of cocaine” the camera moves to the team carrying the dead body then back to the blonde. “Rumours have it that something big is about to happen in town but the feds once again assured us of our safety. Oh here is agent Bryan Thompson, come on.” Quickly the camera panned to him talking to a medic with her walking fast on his heels catching him take another turn.

“Mr Bryan? Mr. Bryan!” he turns.“Whoa you walk fast.” Saying almost panting with a hint of swoon causing me to smile. Once again Bryan did it again for the ladies. “Do you have a minute for us?”

“Sure Angela.” Giving her his full undivided attention.

“What do you think happened here?”
Brushing his hair off his face.  He muses. “Forensics will give us more insight of the deceased Russian American Petrov Valkyre.”

“But what can you say about the dead corpse.” She pushes on.

“All I can say is that this is no ordinary death as the deceased was a friend to me and someone did this to him but let’s wait out for forensics results. Excuse me.” I could feel the edge in his voice from here and it shows how much distress whatever happened took a toll on him. Bryan is angry and I know it.

“Well that’s ominous. Stay tuned for more update, I am your host Angela Valerie and we're live on channels 9.”

Quickly, I call him. “Hello Bryan.”

“Rosie.” A strain can be felt by the way he calls my name.

“Saw the news. Are you okay?” Concern irks my voice taking my coffee placed in my front giving Benny a soft smile.

“How about I tell you later over dinner?"

“Okay.” It got silent for a few second with me not knowing what to say and him just listening to the sound of my breathing. I guess it calms him down by the deep expel he gave out. I’m really worried about him. “Hey, Bryan. Be safe.”

“Always Rosie.”

After downing my coffee, I continued on with my jog taking the next lane. And then the shadow popped in my head again giving me chills; I haven’t heard from Alexei and now someone is dead and I’m feeling unsafe for no just reason. Do you ever find this creepy feeling that someone somewhere watches your every move from behind the scene? Yeah, that is how I felt since Alexei encounter in the bathroom. I’m just waiting for the day he will jump out of the shadows and suck the life out of me because that man behaves like a vampire who will enjoy drinking my blood satisfactory after I challenged him in the bathroom; okay add a slap to that.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now