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Pulling up to where the black jet rest climbing down my bike and up the stairs leading into the champagne color decor seeing our men scattered in their numbers all over the private port. Sonia sits by the window eating a very juicy stake by the looks of it clearly satisfied with every bite she takes having my brother glare at her from across the aisle sitting opposite her. Little Miss runaway like I do call her due to her infamous acts of running every time wasn't a tad bit bothered Vlad eyes trains on her wishing he could snatch the plate from her possibly throws it out of the window but that will mean war on his side. So he opted for glaring at his very pregnant little wife eating her steak rather than facing her wrath. Wise choice brother. The moment I got closer and her eyes meets mine she squeals about to jump up. “Princess.” Vlad warns refraining her from jumping for the sake of the baby.

Her lips puckers into a pout eyeing him before looking back at me all smiles mimicking Vlad's composure and his voice. I see my brother's lips twitch in amusement even as he tries covering it up with a cough. Told you I'm never going to be bored around this two couple. Since she cannot meet me I went to her just to notice how rounded her belly is with our little prince; instead she made grabby hands smiling ear to ear. I crouch low kissing her both cheeks.

Flopping down on the other side. “So this is what I got.” Sonia licks her fingers switching to business just like a switch bulb. I see Vlad glancing at her action with a mist in his eyes following her tongue roll the carves of her fingers sucking in the juice that stains her fingers oblivious to the fact my brother is lusting at the innocent scene. Pussy whipped. I chuckle handing her the info Dante gave to me in the estate.

“Just a name?" Looking at the name then at me, her other hands reaches below her seat pulling out her MacBook. Using a napkin wiping her finger clean tossing it in a close bin, unbinding a band on her wrist using it to knot her hair in a high bun, Vlad looks at her with so much admiration making my heart sink thinking about Rosie and what she must be facing in the hands of Santiago and the Irishman based on the information I got. Soon the TV on the wall comes alive where half the screen displays a face and the other half something sort of a satellite I know belongs to the CIA. A grin grace my lips. Genius. "Okay, got it. Kumar, I need you to find everything about this person especially in the black list of every operation and secret files. Nothing left out.” she says tapping away while Vlad and I watch the duo get to work with their fingers.

“Coming right up.” The curly hair Arabian or Indian looking guy says.

Leaning back hoping to get some sort of rest or nap letting my lashes flutter close, I see her, same dream again. She disappears from my arms falling out of my reach while I yell for her to come back. No. This is not helping.

My mind unconsciously controls my body walking straight for the bar pouring myself a drink gulping down followed by a second and third, by the fourth a hand stops me to see Vlad looking sad at me. I feel it, soft and wet; touching my cheeks at the strange emotion looking at my hand. I am crying and it hurts.

“Brat.” (brother.)

“Sorok vosemʹ chasov Vlad . Ona ushla v techeniye poslednikh pyati vosemʹ chasov bez sleda , i eto moya poslednyaya nadezhda." (Fourty-eight hours vlad. She has been gone for the past fourty-eight hours without any trace and this is my last hope.) Watching Sonia and her cyber friend engrossed in their screens. "Ona nikogda ne ushla , ne znaya , ya vsegda znayu , brat . YA vizhu vse eto , nikto ne ubegayet menya , no ya ponyal eto nepravilʹno na etot raz . Moya zhenshchina i rebenok ot·sut·stvuyut , i ya chuvstvuyu sebya bespomoshchnym , ne znaya , chto delatʹ , yesli ya ne naydu etot samolet , ya dazhe ne khochu veritʹ , chto ona ushla . YA ne mogu ."  (She has never been gone without me knowing, I always know brother. I see it all, no one escapes me yet it seems I got it wrong this time. My woman and child is missing and I feel helpless not knowing what to do if I don't find that plane, I don't even want to believe she is gone. I can't.)

Looking at him confessing my deepest emotion. "YA lyublyu yeye . YA lyublyu yeye Vlad , i ya ne khochu znatʹ , chto chuvstvuyet , chto teryatʹ yeye . YA ne budu ... " (I love her. I love her Vlad and I don't want to know what it feels to lose her. I won't...)

“My naydem yeye. YA obeshchayu." (We will find her. I promise.) He cuts me short determination in his voice, power in his eyes. He is doing it again.

I don't know how he does it but Vlad has always known how to comfort me with his words. Standing in front of our parents grave watching the casket been lowered into the soil and our people surrounding us, I was hurt and crying but he held my hands firm as if telling me to be strong. My green eyes look at his grey eyes on me promising me to find the people behind our parent's demise giving them the death they all deserve. Years later he stands in front of me hands deep in his pocket making the same promise, I nod watching him pour drinks into the short glass passing one to me holding the other cup. No words exchange but that is how he seals his promises made to me, throwing his head back he drinks the content and I did the same. We always have each other's back and that way we conquered it all. Thick and thin, at such young ages we took reigns of the Russian mafia and never for once has he failed me. So I believe him.

“Hey psycho, we need your help with gods eyes.” Sonia muse poking her head towards the bar where we are. I guess she feels the tense air sitting up walking funny like a penguin to us. Vlad moves to her quickly as I join them wanting to rescue our wobbling Queen from her funny walk. She pouts challenging him in muttered words.

“I am not a child.” Vlad paid no attention to her taking off her shoes and massaging her swollen legs till she moans at ease. He sits up walking out of the jet. Shutting the blinds of the plane displaying gods eyes for the cyber gurus to find me my woman. Her soft voice echoes. "Uhm Alexei, I just want you to know we will find her. I know what you feeling now and I hate it for you. We will find her because I'm dying to meet the woman crazy enough to get pregnant for a psycho." Smiling softly.

That creates my first real smile in the last few days since the incident took place. “I don’t know anymore Nia; no one has ever gone blind to me and of all she has to be the one. We have to, I have to find her or I fear I will lose myself. She is up there, somewhere, and I have to look harder.” she nods tapping the keyboard deciphering codes and algorithm controls with the help of god's eye.

“Whoa! Miss Vatore this shit is lit, you won’t believe what I found.” she pause crossing her arms under her bosom looking attentive at the Arabian fellow on the TV who was still typing away, eyes glued on his own screen.

“Hit me Kumar.” Tucking her index under her chin, I step back dipping my hands in my pockets just then Vlad makes an entrance.

“So I got his bio to see he was once in the army, serious general shit, was registered deceased couple of years after his last mission in Iraq just to take over from his frail father from the mafia world.” So that is how the got control of a naval plane.

Bored but antsy. “Cut the long story short.”

“Ok, ok, sheesh." She chuckles. "I recalculated the altitude of the plane with the help of this masterpiece, dropped one or two bearings I hacked from one of CIA satellites and boom, here our mystery plane is.” all eyes glued on the hologram on the wall.

The boy in the screen says heaving a satisfied sigh. “Somewhere close to the Maldives.”

“Maldives?” Vlad comments.

“Maldives.” I muse.

Sonia rolls her eyes at us looking back at the screen. “Thanks Kumar, I hope you love your surprise I sent to your Swiss account.”

“Anything from you is very much appreciated Miss Vatore.” The curly hair covers his ears with a beat by dre headpiece letting the TV go bland. She turns to face Vlad and myself standing side by side with me standing and Vlad sitting.

“So boys, how about we take a mini vacation. I think the smell of the ocean and soft breeze will be just the right trick for us all. Don’t you think so Alexei?” Smirking hard with a pointed look geared at me; I turn to watch my brother's lip fix into a smile grey eyes flitting between his Queen and myself

My grin only spreads wider looking at the hologram pinpointing the plane's location then at Sonia's smile. "Hell ya."

Abbie cares.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now