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"So, what are their names? Found any yet."

Shifting my gaze from Rosie to Sonia by the corner with the twins making cute faces to get reactions from them. My girl was a laughing mess but my boy kept giving her weird looks that reads what's cute or funny that makes his sister laugh so hard. Sonia says he is so weird but I know he's perfect just like his father; the very first day they opened their eyes my heart exploded in happiness, sunshine and rainbows although I was not surprised when my boy did not cry but rather looking at the doctor, the nurses and myself. His face was so mean I almost burst out laughing. My baby girl didn't have it crying and screaming her little heart out for attention. I asked they be moved to their mother's room with their crib beside hers; I wanted them to be close to her one way or another. Everyday I came I kept them in my arms facing their mother, sometimes lying on her bed. If they ever throw tantrums and my confused ass blank out to their demands I move them on either side of her arms which they fall asleep shortly after. It always worked like magic.

They recognize her even in her coma, their consciousness tells them who she is and they accepted her. My boy was the worst; he keeps looking at her maybe to see the day she will open her eyes or hold them back and at the back of my head I'm like you and me son even when his sister has long been asleep. His little mind fights the sleep only for the long run to win taking him to sleep like his sister. My family.

I muse watching her meet me where I sit giving me my son who yanks her curls as I help save her hair from my son's viscous grip before returning back to her initial position by the corner couch. "Twins."

Sonia's head snaps to me in alarm. "What do you mean, twins? I mean their names." She asks slowly pondering over the fact I might have misheard her but I did, vividly.

"Boy. Girl." I tell her their names.

"Alexei!" She screams causing my baby girl to jump in her arms wobbling her lips about to cry. A remorseful look grace her face looking down at her caressing her cheeks and making kissy face. Sitting up reliving her of the stress because my little princess can be a hell of a case once she starts crying, adjusting my little prince in my other arm I pick my princess out of Sonia arms purposely avoiding her hard glare. Turning around I went back to my initial position beside their mother comatose body heaving a sigh. Leaning back on the chair so they can lie on my chest comfortably as I pat their backs.

Glancing at her. "What? That's all I could come up with." Looking down at my twins, their hair ginger like their mother but with my green eyes, their nose reflects mine but their lips are full as Rosie's giving a heart shaped. They are so beautiful. I just want Rosie to see this praying the months do not drag longer than it already is. I wished she will wake up before the twins open their eyes and made their first cry, now I'm hoping she wakes up before their first step because I'm scared to do this parenting alone. I need her with me. Maybe that is why I don't have the heart to give them names yet. Just boy and girl. It didn't seem as if they mind smiling whenever I call them by the name in Russian, matter of fact they love me speaking Russian or singing Russian to them; they get super hyper.

My boy tries reaching for his sister who looks at him fondly, smiling I bring them closer to touch each other. Soft sounds escapes by their lips telling me they're sleepy. Steadily placing them in their positions tucked in Rosie's arms watching them snuggle into her falling asleep. My lips connects to Rosie, my girl and my boy; he made a squishy face as if irritated by my lips with his eyes staying close. I kiss him again expecting the same reaction from him instead he snuggles his face into Rosie's arms hiding it from me.

Yup, he's going to be trouble.

Pulling away walking to the dispenser Sonia continues in hush whispers. "You don't give children such names Alexei, matter of fact that's not even a name especially given to children you birth. Dumb Russian, all the same."

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now