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Alexei kept hot on my heels as I prance through the apartment in search of my things to get ready to meet the convoy strictly waiting for me from grandfather’s order and I really do not need the poor souls to be killed if I don’t make it back to the mansion today. Tell you this, it was difficult to get dressed without Alexei grumbling or threatening the existence of the Irish mafia, at some point he seized my dress and I threatened to walk out of the ruined doors naked if he doesn’t hand over my dress. He was like acting as a child, stubborn and exasperating. I am doing this for him but he always wants to go by his ways, killing. I have had enough bloodshed for the past days and I am about done with his crazy ass going berserk on lose. To crown it all, when we came down to meet my convoy on seeing Daniel besides the car he flared up furiously.

The two glared dangerously at each other while I stood awkwardly not knowing when the unknown time bomb ticking at the distance will go off and hell brought lose. Alexei’s grip on my waist tightens glaring dangerously at Daniel whose eyes darts between his hands on my waist and the green eyed Russian beside me. Like can these two stop as the tension grew thicker in the air? The men behind Daniel held their guns on high alert, fear seeping off them as Alexei held onto me firmly. Diving in for the save before another chaos transpires in the street of Dublin.

“Alexei. Alexei?” Slowly he turns his head to me but his hand still held that tight grip on my waist as he resumes glaring at Daniel. Momentarily, steam blew off the two males as passersby gave weird glances at us. Like how did they not hear the chaos that took place an hour ago yet find it suitable to find their confrontation perturbing? “I have to go. You promised.” Alexei’s eyes snaps to me, brows twitching in sudden anger.

Accusing. “I did not make any promise Rosie, you did.” His voice dangling on the edge. He is mad, obviously and slowly it riles up mine but I won’t let him ruin my morning. I don’t have time for this; if he wants to be mad then he should have at it. Sighing.

Moving towards the car, Daniel opens for me to get in while wearing a smug grin apparently enjoying the fact I’m mad at Alexei thereby taunting him more. Rolling my eyes, I turn looking at Alexei hoping he says something due to the fact I hate when we mad at each other. “I have to go. I’ll be back, I just need to see my parents and tell them I will be leaving with you to New York. They must be worried I have been gone for days now.” Pausing, his face goes gloomy watching me. My heart sinks biting my lips stepping forward to him. I know he is not happy about this but I have to go and grandfather is right, I am not safe here and neither is he. He is trespassing in another land and we have to leave Dublin quickly before news gets out to the wrong persons. Touching his face gently. “What? What is it?” He did not reply just looking down at me and I am so tempted to hug him, to kiss him, to feel his arms around me, have him inside of me again because each step away from him makes me empty and uncertainty clouding my rain of thoughts.

Not succumbing to the temptations of my beating heart for the Russian, on a tiptoe I kiss him dangerously close to his lips lingering for long taking in his scent, my eyes closes for a second then I begin to pull away; don’t know why I expected him to react or possibly talk to me getting my hopes high only for it to be crushed. The Alexei I know will hug me, will kiss me, will claim me; he did none of that. He just looks at me sheer of emotion telling me how hard he is trying not to act hasty. I got heartbroken because I know he is mad at me and refuse to say a word, that I taught him amongst the many therapy session to control his anger. Sniffing, I turn back towards the convoy only to be drawn back yelping in the process as I crash into his hands my lips connecting with him feverishly.

Moaning at the sweet taste of him, it felt like forever but I know it was nothing more than a joyful couple of minutes. My hands wraps on his neck drawing him closer rising on my toes as he held my waist. I was on fire wishing to be burned.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now