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Space. Numb.

Am I floating?

The question probes my mind but here comes the most difficult part, waking up. Have you ever just lay down battling with your mind, to think, calculate, meditate or even chant a mantra willing your body to just get the hell out of the bed? Or is it just me that finds this morning routine hard to achieve?

My brows furrow sinking deeper into the soft pillow as the silky sheets caress my body, a moan escape switching to opposite angle fighting to wake up from the dreamless sleep hearing a distant bell go off. Seriously, I feel afloat; abruptly a brusque line of images flood my thought causing my face which morphs into a scrunch shaking my head in expectation that it will disappear. Yet the image of me flying high in the air inside a car perturbs harder as the fear gripped me into a dreaded panic watching as I fall fifty feet down with two persons as my last thought; the safety of my baby and Alexei.

"Rosie!" Alexei screams my name jolting me up in a frantic heart race breathing erratic flickering my eyes feeling beads of perspiration cover my forehead. Backing up seeing the foreign confined space I am being kept in, the champagne color curtains draped the walls of same rich design but with white highlights giving it a warm setting even as that the whole room was kept bleak shielding the slightest single ray of light to penetrate into the room; looking about tells me this is not one of Alexei's places so where am I? What am I doing here? Mulling over the fact I am not in a friendly a loud shriek flies out of my lips in fright as the room seems to move. Sensing vividly of the situation on ground dawns on me. The room just moved and I wasn't hallucinating that. Where am I?

Absentmindedly pulling the covers off me stepping down quietly to investigate more about my whereabout just to be stunned in horror as my mouth falls wide open gapping at the thought of being kidnapped particularly when the room jerk, again. I think I’m floating or flying?

"Someone is awake." Like an eagle my eyes follows the train of the voice to indeed see someone by the corner of the room watching me, a present smirk sitting on his face but too far into the darkness to make out his face. One thing was present indeed, he wasn’t Irish, Russian or American. He has a distinct accent; Spanish, Italian or part Mexican. I couldn’t place exactly.

Daring. "Where am I? And who are you?" Probing, eyes hard on the stranger while searching the room for something to protect myself with.

"I’m the man who brought you here." He says which have me looking around the room once again sceptical.

Sassing. "And where is here if you don’t mind me asking?" He chuckles finding my comment hilarious walking to the corner pressing a button, I watch the curtains begin to draw back.

"In a plane." My sockets grew ten times bigger watching the curtains draw back in full revealing the blinding light of the sun.

"Plane?" Stupefied. It can't be. My feet willing itself moving closer to the oval windows to have a better peek of the outside to see I am indeed in a plane, clouds surrounding us shielding the plane from sight. My heart sinks in fear recalling the gun shots fifty meters away from the mansion. I didn't see Daniel but most of our men were dead in the streets before the bastard knocked me out. It happened au sudden, one moment Daniel and I were in a heated conversation about Alexei and the next moment I completely zoned out for I don't know how long before I was knocked out again. Even before I was knocked out something seemed familiar about the face that I couldn't place at because he didn't waste time in striking me into unconsciousness. I have to get out of here but how? I am in a fucking plane. We could be in any part of the world by now farther away from Alexei and my family who will raise storm knowing I have been taken by an unknown rival. This literally means war. My eyes close reopening back calculating my zero or none chances against how many hostiles is in this gigantic plane with me.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now