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A shadow rest behind me pulling me into its arms, the arms of my best friend, engulf in his potent scent. Curling into his embrace, he rocks me slowly looking at the beach down the hill. His lips connects to my hair and then my face, I almost let out a strangled sob hugging his arms tighter. I’m leaving Ireland not knowing when I’ll be back, so sudden; wanting nothing more than to ball my eyes out. Here I thought the pieces of my life were fixed in a perfect puzzle. It all came crashing down. “Guess they sent you to come get me.”

At such a young age, his voice deeper than the normal teenager has people turning necks at him. My best friend and crush. “The jet is ready, your flight leaves in an hour.” He says monotone but I heard the deep edge sitting within struggling to show emotion. Instead, he pulled me into his warm embrace tighter giving a heavy sigh having my eyes prickle with unshed tears. I didn’t want to go, more so, I didn’t want to leave him.

“I will miss you baby.” Shuddering at his pet name for me, I lace our fingers together kissing his lightly.

“I will miss you too Daniel...” wanting to lighten the heavy air. “And your cute freckles.” He chuckle twirling me to face him. I had a heavy crush on my best friend, the way he talks, the cute smiles he gives or when I tease him. He was everything I could want from a guy of my dreams. His slick ginger hair blows with the wind and I had the sudden urge to run my hands through it. Biting my lips instead, smiling cheekily.

“You love my freckles, baby.” Brushing my wild hair out of my face. I too am a red hair thanks to my mum with wild untamed curls I hate with passion. He always made fun of me saying I look like Merida who played the lead character in brave which pumped my decision to dye the hell out of my hair and straighten the Merida out of it when we arrive America till date. Mum and dad had no problem with it, matter of fact they were ecstatic with reasons best known to them when I came back from the saloon.

“Sadly, I do.” Tilting his head down, his lips connects to mine sweetly. A soft gasp escapes me when he bit my lower lip playfully before sucking it in once again kissing me. Slowly we pull apart. “What was that for?”

“A see you soon kiss because I will find you plus I don’t want those Yankee boys taking what’s mine.”

“Oh Daniel.” Wrapping my hands round his neck my heart swells in happiness pulling him down for a much longer and lingering kiss, making out under the twilight.

Yeah, Alexei doesn’t need to know about that.

“Alexei, uhm, this is my f-friend back in Ire...”

“Get your hands off her now.” Daniel who was all the while smiling down at me frowns snapping his gaze to Alexei. The girl gasps loud at the command and I know if I do not act quickly, carnage will ensure.

“Alexei.” Chastising cautiously slowly pulling my hands off Daniel and standing awkwardly beside my friend. “Sorry.” Muttering low, he grunts observing Alexei keenly before looking down at me in a knowing look I shy away from looking away because I knew very well what he sees. The Russian has a claim on me.

“I mean no harm. I will be on my way out now, let’s go, we are done here.” He says with edge to his counterparts. “Nice doing business with you Alexei.” Taking my hands in his purposely to taunt Alexei who was furious as hell taking threatening steps to him pulling his gun out. I jump blocking his path from acting further hugging him close which he looks down at me void of emotion. “I will see you soon okay, when there are no interruptions.” Just go. I literally screamed in my head for Daniel to leave before Alexei explode.

Still yet, I wonder what sort of business he talks about. “Business? What business?” Since when did Daniel mingle with the mafia underworld.

“Always the inquisitive one. I’ll find you and then you can blow me up.” He chuckles walking to the exit but Alexei didn’t wait dragging me off not to cause a scene and distract the orgy in the room.

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now