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Remember when I arrive Italy to help organize my brother’s dinner night with his fiancée, you know the romantic setting on his yatch under the moonlight professing love to each other. Yeah that, it was a disaster; one that has my brother on a killing spree since our archenemy killed her and blew up his boat. My brother has been shattered and on the lookout, lookout puts it mildly, he has been on the hunt for the Italian scumbag who killed his woman and his baby.

Yes, baby.

Told you she was pregnant, for three months and he didn’t know until that night. My brother freaked out due to past experience with his ex-fiancé and told her to kill the baby; in anguish and heartbroken that the man she love who claimed to love her back will not only deny his child  but ask her to kill the baby. I was beyond mad when I called him to tell me how his night went only for him to tell me that he told her to kill his child, I wish I could strangle him and knock him out like we did whenever we have a disagreement. She left to find solace and in her solitude only to be caught by Leandro as Vladimir was forced to watch her die and I heard it all with the phone call I was gladly on. My brother lost it that unfaithful night and I fear he won’t be redeemed until he has asserted his death sentence to the weasel. There was a time we had to stop our convoy because he saw a hallucination of Sonia, now I know it's best to get worried because he either says things, kill things or sees things that are not there. He just can't accept the fact that his woman is dead. He just can't.

Meanwhile, I am Dublin waiting for my target that will be here in, looking at my watch, five minutes. The vintage restaurant cleared out one by one till it was just me left in the centre of the room enjoying my Moet on ice. The owner of the restaurant walked up to me asking me to excuse myself from his restaurant because the house  guest comes here particularly by this time and need no disturbance. It only made my smile grow wider pulling my gun out placing it for him to see on the table. Fear clouds his eyes backing away slowly, uncertainty dancing in his jade eyes. Soon armoured cars began to line in one after the other telling me its time.

I was never one to wear formal wears on a norm but hard times calls for extreme measures. Running my hand through my sleek back hair buttoning my jacket. Three Irish men in suit storms in searching around for confirmation before their eyes lands on me in the middle of the room clearly waiting for them.

"Excuse me; you are not supposed to be here." The one by the right says heavily accented flitting my eyes past him to the other two assessing their weakness while propping my elbow on the table resting my chin on my fist daring them with the grin sitting comfortable on my face. They all look at each other perplexed at my arrogance and wits.

Picking the glass of bubbling liquid swirling and taking a sip, I groan dropping the glass dowm. "I believe Dublin is a free state." Speaking in Irish, their eyes goes in alert looking at one another just as their stance. Reaching for my pocket, they got on high alert all taking their glocks out and pointing at me. Chucking rather amused not flinching because they won’t do shit more than what I will do to them if I don't get to my target, I found my favourite cigar aireyyes; lighting it up and taking a deep inhale before puffing the smoke out in tiny ringlets.

The was a ruckus and dragging with begging which got louder and louder. Soon the manger is pushed roughly to the ground face half swollen. "I told him." He cried pathetically looking at the three bulky men in front of me pleading with his eyes they shouldn't kill him. I sat insouciant waiting for the main course to start, my hands itching to kill everyone of them before my target escapes. The crazed look sitting on my face got noticed by the middle man who flinched noticing the gun on the table. Took him long enough.

"Sir, if you don’t leave here now you won’t like what my men and I will do to you." The middle one says this time around cocking his glock deadpanned at enforcing his will. Looking at him then at his gun then back at him again taking a sip of my wine.

I ask. "Do you know who I am?"

"Kill him." He shouts in Irish to his men.

"If that is how you want it." Snatching the bottle of wine in a flash ducking from the incoming bullet that hits the manager who fell down passed out. I took the wine bottle crashing it on the middle man then stabbing the one by the left with it on his neck and then the middle man at the back of his neck leaving the right man who kept firing shot. Picking up a knife with a clean throw digging deep between his eyes, he falls, dead. Multiple fire shot ring out having more men rush into the restaurant and by now the three men from earlier were all down lying dead on the floor. Nothing will stop me from reaching my target, if it means I have to kill them all, so be it.

I stood up brushing stray strands out of my face keeping it neat. The men in the room look at each other clearly not expecting one person to do such damage. My tongue darts out licking my lower lip and then biting it, in a more sinister look on my face watching them fidgeting not knowing what to do. I kick my table which throws my gun up in the air, the distraction paved way for me to stab the nearest man in his eyes who screams and the others began firing but I have my gun in my hands by then taking three out at a go.

"Come on!" I urge them deathly loud with my hands showing emphasis, my eyes crazed and wanting more. It has been long I got such thrills and it only made my blood pump at a fast pace and my adrenaline skyrocketing. It was them against me, if only the know it's actually me against my target and they don't exist anymore. I am the devil they wish not to come across especially if they are blocking my target from me. Just before any of us can take the next shots, a loud voice bellows in anger creating a smile on my face.

"Stop!" Immediately the remaining six men comes together at the sound of the voice blocking the entrance of my target speaking in Irish not to come out of their makeshift wall because a crazy man is after their life. Instead as I remember, the person struggles to get through them before ordering them to step aside to pass through. My smile grows wider watching them reluctantly obey the voice but all pointing their guns at me, never dettering.

"Let down your guns now or I will deal with you all when we get to the mansion." She threatens glaring at them hard till she came to light looking about the now ruined restaurant with dead bodies and a passed out manager. "And what is going on here?" Not noticing my presence glaring at the men in black.

"Hello flower." Her body froze for a second before in a slo-mo willing herself to turn to me in fear. The first thing I notice is the change of her hair color. Walking to where my cigar fell, I picked it up blowing dust and debris off it then lighting it up taking a deep inhale.

Looking deep in her eyes expelling the smoke out like a derange psycho giving the grin. "I like what you did to your hair." Pausing taking another puff, this time smiling at her looking horrified at me. "Red suits you better." The psychotic grin on my face registers fear on her body shaking her head as if rebuking me in her mind but the image of me standing in front of her taunts her thoughts.

"A-ALEXEI." She fainted.

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