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Enjoying my cup of latte sitting outside a very classic downtown my favorite New York coffee shop watching as people brisk by, cars moving, my mind swirling in the throes of last night passionate cries as a weird but satisfied smile crept on my face not helping the thoughts that seems to evade my mind thinking of the numerous times I came in just one night as he promised till I was fast spent as I await....

"Certified freak, seven days a week." Gina voice sings having my head raise up glaring playfully hearing her sing twirling as soon as she got close to my table attracting onlookers eyes.

Joining along sipping my latte. "He ain't got that wet ass pussy but he got that big ass dick." An old couple scowls at us, we just didn't care as I tried holding my laughter in watching Gina's face morph into one of shock hearing my own version of cardi's famous song. I tried, I swear I tried so hard not glancing at her parted lips and bulging eyes but the bubble of laughter unfolds as she joins pulling a chair out having her seat.

"I always knew the innocent ones turns out to be the freak." She laughs looking down at her crop top guarded as if she sees a peck of dirt. The half asian looking short woman mutters gibberish in mandarin before switching to english. I just watch her amused waiting till she's done with whatever that is all about, she raise her head giving a funny smile expelling out in excitement.

"Hello to you too Gina."

Excited, she says putting her elbows on the table. "Tell me about it, everything. No details left out." Skyrocketing my mind back again to the sexy client who fucked me hard on my couch. I doubt I will ever look at my couch the same again without wanting his throbbing, pulsing dick sliding along my tender walls.

"Mmmmmh. One word can best describe it. Mindblowing."

She shrieks signalling for a waiter to get her her drink with me smiling sheepishly at the fond memory of Alexei and I going down in my sitting room all through the night. We couldn’t stop even if we wanted to, our bodies were moving in sync like puppets on strings. I wanted more of him, deeper inside me, harder that he took my breath away, faster that I saw the stars dancing in my eyes, I just wanted more and he did the honors. I can't believe this is what I have been missing with Bryan all those years.

Giving me that knowing sly grin. "Damn, I really need to meet this mystery client." She did not just say that? Like a whiplash, my head turns searching for eavesdroppers who might be paying a little bit of attention to us. Fear and guilt eating me up about what will happen if anyone finds out what this infamous therapist does behind close doors with her clients.

Panicked. "Shhh. They don’t need to know I'm doing the dirty with my client." Chastising softly in whispers.

"Go big or go home baby." She exclaims. Like she fucking exclaims. You know what? I'm about done with her, officially.

Rolling my eyes apprehensive over the fact she doesn't see where I'm coming from. That is like a huge blow to my career if this gets out. "How was the holiday?" Diverting topic which I was greatful she got the picture following suite. That way I won't get to feel bad about having sex in different position of my sitting room with my client and two, it will help to stop thinking about the green eyed Russian.

"Earful. You think having a black dad and the rambunctious black family is tiresome wait till your other half that made you is a traditional asian family. Then you will understand my plight. For reals, I need to make an appointment with you one of this days." She mumbles a thank you to her waiter dropping her drink. Taking two large sips she groans loud relaxing back. "Uhhh I'm so tired right now." Causing me to laugh. She never did really changed. Back in our first year in college introducing ourselves formally as roommate seeing her black curly haired dad and the small asian woman with her black hair beside him. She is a mixture of both of them; short, cute nose, full lips and a massive hair on that small head of hers. It was actually funny literally seeing her standing at the doorway antsy as fuck. I just knew we would turn out to be best of friends. Sisters even.

"How is mum and nainai?" At the mention of nainai, a very creepy smile came to her face having me nervous because I know nainai especially after my last holiday in Singapore with the family. Let's just say she's exasperating for an older woman. There I knew where Gina got her crazy from and it's not from her mother.

"What? What is it? What is with that creepy look?" Trying to sound casual about it but inside I worried what nainai came up with this time around.

Instead her grin grows wider wiggling her brows for more emphasis. "Nainai got you the solution to your boring sex life."

Groaning frustrated. "Ugh mehn! Not again!" Gina burst out laughing to my plight.


Driving back to the apartment deep in thoughts concerning a very crucial question Gina asked. Do I really see myself dating the Russian or is it just the sex that drives the pull? If I eventually have sex the second time will that make me a failure in my line of work? And what if this gets out to the public, that means I loose it all and be tagged a disgrace to my profession. But then comes the hardest part, what if he doesn’t want me like I do him? What if he sees me as a sex go pick up? Having my mind reflect back to this morning waking up in my bedroom in an empty apartment.

Sighing deeply, taking a left turn. I began to doubt myself this morning that everything that happened was a fiction of lustful imagination because I remembered we both fell asleep on the floor limbs and body tangled together so how did I end up on my bed dressed in my pjs.... alone.

Disappointment clouds my face mad at the world and everything surrounding me cursing myself that it was all a dream. I was beyond disappointed, in the next seconds that disappointments switched to a smile seeing the broken lamp stand on the floor, my decorated stone pebbles littered everywhere, the couch in an unusual position, literally my sitting looked like a WWE match took place in it. I was happy to say the least walking carefully past through every shreds or debris of last night havoc. Then something hit me, why did he leave without saying goodbye?

Was I not good enough?

My subconsciousness mocked me letting a heavy sadness breeze me by. I didn’t want to think that I wasn’t good enough. Yes, I had little to no experience better because Bryan never showed me how to please him instead took he took it from other girls in college at my back. Heaving a sigh, I started cleaning the room up off its mess to have it look more decent; there I see it, a white envelope sitting taunting on my TV stand. Licking my chap lips nervous of what it contains, the broom fall out of my hand wiping my forehead off perspiration building up then brushing the fallen tendrils out of my face. Cautiously walking towards it picking up the envelope, a little note fell off it which I pick up.

It reads. "I’m sorry flower but I’m not coming back."

My heart literally sinks so I blink continuing.

"I apologise for coming on to you like that and I promise it won’t ever happen. Fifty thousand dollars has been paid into your account for your services."

Having my brows twitch sceptical. How did he get my account?

"And here is fifty thousand more for the damages I caused in your apartment last night. Goodbye Miss Reyes."


I wanted to scream, to cry, and to fall on my knees letting out a deep wail; instead in anger I fling the bundle of hundred dollar bills somewhere in the room in spite shredding the little  paper to pieces. Well the old me would have done such but not again. To clear my head, I dressed up and called for Gina to meet me up at our cafe spot.

Pulling into the parking lot of my building letting the valet do his duty coming down from my car, I got determined more to teach this Russian a lesson; and one he will never forget if we ever get to come across each other.

Anger clouding my face once more. Who the fuck does he think he is paying me for his cowardice? He wants to run then I will tell him I own the field court he runs in.

Fucking psycho.

Abbie cares

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