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"Fully fed and burped Mr Ivanov." Says the nurse as she gently place my little princess in my arms who made grabby fingers to pick her up which I did. Silently, the nurse shuts the door behind her taking my eyes back to my baby munches who looks at me with big green eyes and mane of curls at her age. Her tiny hand couldn't even wrap around my index because of how tiny she is, she laughs seeing this causing me to smile babbling on. She is going to be so spoilt because I won't let her out of my sight till she gets married that's if I don't kill the fucker first. My little munches smiles babbling whatever; adjusting her in my other arm as I continue to read the simple guide to raising twins for dummies. Yeah, I had to buy this book to be able to communicate with my twins whenever they are in need. Now I can tell when they're hungry, playful, sleepy, or need to pop and uncomfortable; it's really a handyman for me.

Seeing where my eyes are trained at she attacks the book well the particular picture where it guides on how to change the nappies. Chuckling pulling her away but she comes at it again slapping it with her tiny hands and looking at me. " Chto ? Tebe nravit·sya kartinka ? Pokhozhe , ty prav . " (What? You like the picture? Looks like you right.)

More babbles and her brother looks up from where he sits tilting his head to the side in a cute way wondering what's the fun without him. Girl begins to throw tantrums this time not looking at me but her brother and there I discovered babies do actually communicate; and I'm guessing she's telling him about the picture clapping her hands together. " YA znayu pravilʹno . Khorosho , davay poznakomitʹsya , poznakomitʹsya s malʹchikom  ."(I know right. Ok, let's go meet boy.)

Dropping her in their play pen she goes for a toy gun I bought for them but boy being boy seized it from her making her look at me teary eyed and wobbling lips, cheeks stained red with little freckles on display and a cute pout, she even added a whimper to lay more emphasis her brother is trying to up her but she won't allow it working her cute charms to con me into fighting her battles. And I fell for her little cuteness reprimanding boy. "Skolʹko raz ya dolzhen skazatʹ vam , chtoby ne bytʹ nespravedlivym k vashey sestre ? Vernutʹ yey igru igrushku ." Proving stubborn he looks at her hard then at me trying to make same face as his sister. "Malʹchik!" (How many times do I have to tell you not to be unfair to your sister. Give her back the toy. Boy!) Slowly he lets the toy go looking like a kid deprived his favorite candy bar meanwhile girl is all smiles playing with the gun not caring less looking at her brother like she won.

Ugh! They're going to be a handful.

Picking him in my arms rocking him back and forth with his head resting on my shoulders and patting his back I say in Russian. "She is your sister and you are meant to share what you have with her. That's what family is. We share." Pausing, my green eyes gaze at my son's matching eyes. I pull out my own gun which immediately excites him jumping in my arms. Laughing. "You want to know what it's called, like it huh? This son is a gun." Dropping him besides his sister whose attention falls on me. "Watch me demonstrate... Both of you." Still speaking in Russian because I don't need eavesdroppers poking their ears into our family matter or scare them I'm teaching my kids about a gun.

I'm already a bad father grinning devilishly at my eager twins waiting to hear more about my gun, but fuck it.

In Russian. "Good. Here is the magazine where bullets are loaded. Here is the nuzzle where the bullet fires away and kill our enemies. And this is a silencer, we fix it in here to silence the loud sound. And this right here is the trigger, a little push and a great damage. This little thing is the trigger safety, see." Showing off each specific parts of the gun for them to memorize. Yup, I'm a bad daddy. "And we have the extractor, ejection port, grip and lots more but you don't have to worry your little brains about that. Daddy is going to protect you and train you till you both come of age. And we can all kill together my little devils, don't just tell mummy okay?"

 ALEXEI |18+ Where stories live. Discover now