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I watch the rise and fall of her chest, the flush on her face, the way her plump lips parted in surprise of my question or maybe she just want to answer me. Seeing her at first rushing through the door had my dick straining against my pants, so I had one leg over the other to conceal my masculine problem still yet it kept twitching in its confinement wanting nothing more but to raise up her seductive black dress and sink into her. This is not normal for me, has never been. I have always being the one in control of everything but now my dick seems to want her more than it has ever needed anyone and I can't help it.

The way her brown orbs looks boldly at me like she is not scared to challenge me even after I have revealed myself to her. Funny part was that she just smile after I said that, crossed a leg over the other while unconconsciously biting her lips. That shit is made from the bed of a succubus and I hope she isn't one. Within the last twenty four hours I have long for her, crave for a touch of her skin against mine, seek to have a taste of her forbidden fruit. It drives me crazy what this therapist is doing to my mind and body which are now beyond my control. The way her lips moves have me wondering how sexy her moans will be. I have to get away from her before I do something stupid. How she toys with my words yet seems to be in control like she knows what she wants and will have it. Her strong will is what scares me most and I don't know if I can last without falling; that is not me. I am Alexei the Russian war lord and I don't desire a woman, they desire me; so why is she different? Why is she drawing me to her? What does she want from me because I am far from redemption.

"Excuse me ma'am. A Mr Thompson is here to see you." Her secretary says disturbing us, I watch my flower's eyes twitch in worry and her brows furrow in confusion has me wondering who the fuck is Mr Thompson?

Ever so softly she says not noticing my eyes on her. "Bryan?" Her secretary left as she turns apologetically to me. "Excuse me Mr Ivanov, it will take just a second." Sitting up, I watch her dust invincible wrinkles off her dress showing off her shape and ass as she sways towards her door at the incoming stranger. God, I am going to hell.

"What are you doing here?" Saying hushling while I pretended not to listen. In my line of work, attentiveness can be your life saver so you always have to be on alert no matter what happens. So yes I did eavesdrop like a child because I want to know who Bryan Thompson is to my flower and then I see it. He is close to her, maybe a... He is the ex. Fuck!

I catch him from my peripheral view handing her a phone which she laughs embarrassed tucking her hair behind her ear; his line follows her longly causing a great squeeze in my heart. Why is she not pushing him away? "You forgot your phone in a hurry. Guess your client is more important than me." I hear him say bedrugding taking his eyes off her form to her office before his eyes meets my amused grin.

"Don't say that." She says looking at me blushing then back at him. Fuck, I need to know how farther it goes down there.

"Is that him?" His voice now hard trying not to look at me; if only he knows I don't want him near my flower.

"Bryan. Stop it." She chastise rolling her eyes pulling the door open for him to leave.

"He wants to fuck you Rosie, I know it." She gasps looking so embarrassed that I want to take her away from his spiteful glare.

Her voice rise a little morphing into an angry one. "What has come over you today? You know what I'm busy we can talk when you are in a better mood." He still didn't bulge and I'm tempted to go to her rescue because he is being rude to my woman.

"People like that tends to use women like you." A dark glare crosses his face looking at me.

"Just like you used me in college." She retorts harshly, like a whiplash his head snaps to hers gloomy.

"Rosie, I... I..." Trying to redeem himself.

"Just leave." That's my flower, grinning like a maniac I praise her will. Solemnly, the ex walls out of the door as she shuts it, taking deep breaths she turns smiling towards me and I return her smile watching her sit.

"Sorry about that, a once upon a time friend came knocking."

"Your ex." Her eyes dilated making me laugh. "Simple to figure it out." Chuckling, she run her hands through her hair having me think what I will do to yank or grip her hair as I fuck her her from behind. Snap out of it. "Time tends to flies whenever I'm with you flower." At impulse her eyes shifts to the clock giving a sad smile. "I don't like it." Sitting up unzipping my leather jacket purposely not looking to those beautiful eyes of hers. "It's a goodbye for me."

"Goodbye? Like you're not coming back?"

"I will be traveling but I will come back." Looking at her subconsciously taking two steps to her. Fuck, she really smells like a flower, so unique, so beautiful, so her.

"Mafia stuff?" Stepping to her again I watch her head tilt to look at me almost hovering above her. I could imagine her just that way sucking my huge dick, slurping the veins threatening to burst, my red cap yearning for her plump lips to suck it in. I will just have to beat my dick again in the shower.

Slowly she says. "I will miss you." She sits up barely reaching my chest.

"Say it again flower." I want to hear her say it, I need her to say it to me or I may just loose it and stay back with her.

Chuckling she repeats. "I said I will miss you." Her eyes trailing my body till she finds my eyes lustfully staring back at her. My fingers twitch to draw back the stray hair that fell out of place, fighting to take back the reigns she seems to control and I hate it. I just hate it.

"Why? You don't know me yet." She laughs stepping away to the little stool picking up her glasses and notepad. She faces me again.

A hand to her hips standing in a sexy way smiling for me. "Maybe I don't, maybe I do but I want you to come back." She really is something huh? Watching her move to her desk dropping the items and walking back to me.

"So what do you say to my previous question?" I ask.

"I'm done with the what ifs and what nots. Eventually I want something I will just have to take it with me." Throwing me a wink she gets closer looking all over my face like an inspection lady. If I could just tilt a little lower our lips might just touch and I know she wants it also because her charms are really working on me. Smiling, she pulls away walking to the door.

"Even if it's not healthy for you."

"Theoritcally no, practically yes. You never know unless you taste the forbidden fruit Mr Ivanov." Touching the knob twisting it, she pulls the door open. "Now do have a wonderful business trip." This woman is playing with me, she is playing with my head and shockingly my heart. She has me under her will and she is not scared to confess it. It just tells me how bad she is and will be to me. I have to leave her, find a way to wash her charms off me and probably when next I see her I will have a better control of myself.

This is very bad but I need to have her. She just has to be a witch.

Abbie cares

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